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I'm soooo sorrry for taking so long to publish this chapter. Event Management is no fun when there are three events happening at the same time. Anyway I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as possible though that would take another week :/. Please forgive?

Rate and Review please :D



It had been three weeks since the first time Steve was given a tour of New York by Olivia. He was amazed by what she had shown him so far. Olivia was a major food enthusiast or "foodie" as she called it. So most of the places they went to were restaurants. But he didn't mind, the food of the modern age was always new, exciting and delicious. Along with Olivia's company, he had nothing to complain about.

She took him to a few vintage stores. He had bought a classic turntable (since the sub-woofer set in his apartment was a hazard to work). She had shared his enthusiasm in the purchase and brought him a collection of records to listen to. Steve was amazed by her generosity and frequently commended her on it. But Olivia was modest in the relaxed sort of way. It reminded him of someone.

In fact a lot of things about Olivia Thorne reminded him of a significant other. He had the hunch that it might have been Peggy. Olivia shared the same physical features such as her short dark hair and round amber eyes. Steve guessed it was these things and the more skin deep aspects of Olivia that made him comfortable around her.

They had planned another outing that cool September morning. The idea was to meet at a known place, but Olivia sent him a text early in the morning. He had only seen it after he had returned from his run.

I hope you don't mind a slight change of plan. Mind meeting up at my place?

Olivia didn't text with the usual abbreviations that Steve had more trouble deciphering than Morse code. However she did love abusing punctuation marks to make faces much like Natasha.

Steve took an embarrassingly long time to reply but once was done he decided to take a shower and change into fresh clothes. He put his usual pair of faded blue jeans, white shirt paired with his signature brown leather jacket.

Living in New York he had gotten into the habit of wearing a cap. The people easily recognized him as the star spangled hero. He didn't mind the attention and demand for autographs when he was alone, with Olivia it was a different matter.

He had been to Olivia's apartment before. He had escorted her home a few times and briefly lingered by the open door to gaze into the apartment, but he had never actually been inside. Steve wondered why Olivia asked him to meet him there. He knew he will have an answer once he meets her.

Steve arrived at the apartment building with a brown paper bag at hand. The flat was located in the Flatiron district. The building was ten stories tall and the lingering scent of fresh white paint permeated the air when he first stepped to the front porch.

He pressed down on the intercom to her door and her voice called out, cheerful as ever. She buzzed him in and insisted he let himself in at the door. Steve climbed up the steps to the third floor. His movements were rigid as he struggle to find her door but eventually found the number.

312 it read in bold, metal numbers on a dark brown mahogany door. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a rush of blood to his face.

Why am I nervous? Steve couldn't find any justification in his body's sudden anxiousness. He has spent time with Olivia before. But then he was suddenly aware he was entering her home. Where they would be alone, behind walls.

The Abridged MeetingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant