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Thank you so much for all the reviews! Seriously you guys are the best. So as a reward here is a new chapter. It's a little short than the previous one but I still hope you like it :)

Croc9400: Aw thanks, well here is the more you were hoping for :). Sorry it isn't longer.

Calliope's Scribe: Thanks! I hope you like the new installment ;).

Shauna: Thank you, I hope you like this chapter too.
michen0897: Well here is more my friend, thank you ^^.
Demona Evernight: Oh wow thank you so much. Yeah I kinda did add a little Bucky-ness to her before the unveiling chapter. I am glad you noticed it :).

Guys thank you so much for taking the time to review my story. Your praise really makes my day, but dont be afraid to critique :).



"Olivia this is gorgeous!" Claire practically shrieked at sight of the open velvet box on her lap.

After Steve's first proper ice skating lesson. Olivia bought him a warm cup of hot coco with marshmallows. They were having a quaint conversation about various topics while sipping on the drink. Steve enjoyed her company and the drink he was introduced to.

Claire had returned and joined them at the blue plastic chairs. They sat down on the row closest to the rink. Whilst Steve busied his hands with unlacing the strings of his skates. Olivia had handed her friend a royal blue velveteen box. It was rectangular in shape and Claire was shaking uncontrollably from the glee.

Steve looked to what this 'gorgeous' gift was. He was surprised by what he saw. It was a quill. It had a silver nib, sharp and pointed with delicate spiral designs along the alloy's surface. The feather had a porcelain spine and silky chocolate brown feathers with specks of white and gold. It was vintage and seemed priceless. From Claire's enthusiasm Steve gathered it was.

Steve looked to Olivia from the corner of his eyes and started longer than necessary. It was strange how people get accustomed to others the more you spend time with them. In Steve's example, he was starting to notice the little details about Olivia, ways to identify her. Like physical traits, Olivia had a birth mark on just above the corner of her upper lip. It suited her, when she smiled the little dot added that accent of mischief to her.

He didn't know why he was looking there in the first place, but he had just happened to see it. But it wasn't the physical traits he couldn't stop thinking about.

Since the moment he realized who she reminded him of, he couldn't stop comparing the two. They weren't exactly alike, but it was the subtle things. They way she talked, the way handled emotions hers and the people around her.

"Where on earth did you find this?" The curly haired woman demanded in hushed excitement. Olivia laughed at her friend's merriment.

"If I told you that the store owner would run out of customers considering you would be living there like a hermit, scaring everyone." Olivia teased gently knocking her shoulder against Claire.

"Touché." Her friend said with a simple shrug and hugged Olivia once more.

"Is that an actual feather?" Steve asked after being the silent witness of their friendship. He gently rolled the card cup between his palms.

"Eagle I think." Olivia assumed.

"Isn't it easier to write with pen?" He wondered.

"It's for my collection, plus I like acting like I am in a Jane Austen novel." Claire answered with a proud lift of her round chin. Steve didn't quite understand the fascination in that but Claire seemed to like it so he didn't judge.

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