Chapter Twenty Seven- It's Complicated With Mason Reynolds

Start from the beginning

Signed, mom and dad...even though I should go first. Me, dad!

I took the note and threw it away. I would call Elliott and Raven later. Maybe when my parents weren't around.

Things had changed dramatically over the course of a couple weeks. With Mason, with my parents, with Elliot and Raven. I know they won't admit it out loud, but I know my parents get uncomfortable when my bio's are mentioned.

Maybe it's a territorial thing.

"Hey what's up?" I turned around and found Mason leaning against the doorframe. He was looking at me like he was trying to figure something out.

"Nothing." I lied, "where's Brie, you two finally done with your screaming match?" I smirked.

"That girl is crazy. I used to think she was just bubbly...but no she is crazy. She left a couple minutes ago when she tried to kick me in my....jewels. Did I mention she was crazy?" He frowned, but it quickly turned into a smile when I laughed.

"What are you doing later on today?" I asked sobering up.

"Nothing. Why, what do you have planned?" he asked.

"Just a visit."

"Don't-" hit, "ever-" hit, "do-" hit, "that-" hit, "again!"

Mason chuckled and held down my hands. I hate that he can be so reckless sometimes. He could have killed us!

"I would not have killed us."  he chuckled.

Was I talking out loud again?

"Yes." he answered.

"Stop listening!" I cried out.

"Well that's a first. Usually that's all girls want is to be listened." he snorted.

"Shut up and let's get back at the task at hand. The task being my attempted murder!" I shouted.

"You tried to kill someone?" he raised his eyebrow.

"No- I meant you!  You almost killed me with that death trap you call a bike."

He gasped and turned to the contraption. Mason actually had the guts to cooe that thing right in front of me. "She didn't mean it baby. She's just grouchy. Who's grouchy? Ally's grouchy!"

My eye twitched and I turned to walk up driveway. Mason, probably realizing I was really angry, chased after me. "I'm sorry." he apologized.

I abruptly stopped and stubbed my toe under Mason's foot. He jumped back and smiled sheepishly. "You were going thirty over the speed limit. And that cop car was chasing us for a good ten minutes!" I growled, I turned to leave him but he caught my hand.

He looked out our hands and gently interlaced them. I could slowly feel my resolve breaking. There was no way I could stay angry at him and that made me....well quite frankly that made me angry.

"I'm sorry. I promise for now on when you get on the motorcycle I will be cautious. You should know by now I would never do anything to hurt you." he swore kissing my hand and gently leading me to the front door.

Confessions of a Bad Boy // Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now