“Then why is she calling you?” my stubborn self asked. “It’s none of your concern” he said with gritted teeth. I nodded. Yes It wasn’t my concern. “Look, there is nothing you have to worry about okay I don’t want to repeat what happened last week. Okay?”  He said softly. I nodded slowly. “Go freshen up and meet me downstairs, I’m going to buy some breakfast” he looks at me with less angry eyes. “Why where is Martha?” I questioned. “Her Sunday’s are off by now” he said smirking on his own. I nodded “Can I cook?” I asked. He smiled slightly “Sure then meet you in the kitchen” he looked at me briefly then left.

I put my head on the wall. God his mood swings in every second are killing me. I tilted my head on the side where he punched earlier seeing a little dab of blood stain there. Shit he must have punched it hard. He must have hurt his hand. I quickly brushed my teeth and washing my face, I went downstairs seeing him washing his hand in the kitchen sink. He gazed at me when I enter the kitchen. Martha already told me where everything is placed. Opening the second cupboard, rummaging through the boxes. I found the first-aid kit.

“Can you sit?” he folded his arms over his chest. Smirking he went towards the stool and sat. Ignoring all electric shocks I feel whenever I touch him; I grab his right hand and place it in front. Looking at his hand, its just a cut which is not that deep, but blood is still pouring out. Sighted a put the disinfector on a cotton and dab it on the cut. He doesn’t even flinch…what I human being he is. When it’s cleaned, I put a band-aid on it. I caress his hand for a few seconds and then leave it.

He is still looking intensely at me then shook his head. “What you like to eat” I made an attempt to ignore those weird feeling in my stomach. He smirks “We have bacons and eggs make that” I nodded.
After making breakfast I settled it on the dinning table. I can’t really deal with the fact of the call. The image still haunting me…I shook my head. Zayn enters the kitchen, and sits on the chair. I serve him and myself. Eating quietly we both don’t utter a word.

I sighed, I can’t stop myself from not talking to him “How’s your hand Mr. Malik?” I asked in a low voice. He chuckled “It’s just a small cut and you already cured it” I looked at him for a brief second and shrug him off. Placing the plates back in the sink.
I’m washing my hands, my back facing him “Your not going to work?” I asked again being my curious self.
 “No its Sunday, I’m off” he said grinning I can feel that. ”Faith come sit.” his demanding tone is back. I mentally rolled my eyes ‘I’m mad at him, I’m mad at him’ my subconscious shouted at me. I drag my feet to sit next to him. I know I melt in his charm and its happening.

He ruffled his hair with one hand. Oh sexy…shut up just shut up. “Look Faith we both don’t know anything about each other which is creating problems. Right?” I nodded. “So…tell me about you” he asks grinning. Mood swings. “You know everything about me I guess…”  I try to keep my voice steady.
“Yeah, but there is still more you can tell what you like and other things” I sighed I can’t be mad at this adorable sexy face. I smile slightly “You ask.”

“Okay favorite color” he furrowed his brows. “Purple” I blush slightly; I don’t know why. “You”
“uhm Black I guess” I narrowed my eyes at him. “You usually wear dark colors I have never seen you in any other color” he chuckled “Miss Observant” I blushed.

“Yes I wear other colors but occasionally” he’s into deep thoughts but shrugs it off immediately.
 “Favorite food” I think over it, but I really didn’t explore different kinds of food yet, I barely ate one meal a day. “I—I don’t know” his face hardened “I barely got one meal a day” I chuckled slightly.
“Oh…uh are you okay with our settlement” I smiled slightly “your helping my family and yes I’m happy to be here, more than happy than being a burden on my family” I felt hurt deep in my heart.
“Hey…who said you’re a burden, no I think you’re not” I looked at him for a moment and smiled “thanks” he nodded smiling.
“I’ll be back” he leaves me there after a moment he returns back with a box in his hand. He handed it to me. I look at it suspiciously “What’s this Mr. Malik?” I now found it awkward calling him Mr. Malik, in bed I am moaning his name and now! Weird. I glance back at the box covered with brown paper. “Open it” he leans back in his chair.

I tear it open and the box cover showing I-phone 5, I dropped it almost by my sudden shock. “Nice phone Mr. Malik” I place it back in front of him. He shook his head “no it’s for you”. “For me, why?” I asked astonished, “you need one phone, to talk and it’s important” he says casually like no big deal. But it is for me, this phone costs a fortune and he already bought me a whole clothing range. “No I can’t take it, it’s so expensive” I placed it back in front of him. He narrowed his eyes “no it’s not and you need this soon so take it”…“okay but I don’t know how to use it” I put down my head; I never used any phone besides the phone I took orders on, in the bakery.

“I will teach you” he smiled a heartwarming smile.  Our both heads snapped when we heard a phone ringing on the side of the dining table. I glanced at phone seeing the same I.D. showing again that girl with Zayn. My inner soul clenched again. I look at Zayn and his face hardened, he quickly takes his phone “excuse me”.

 He walked back from his study wearing a jacket and a set of folders.
“I’ll be back in some time, some work has come up” he said with his jaw clenched. I nodded. He nodded back and left.

That makes me think, he probably has gone to see that Perrie girl. But he said he doesn’t meet her anymore and she was his girlfriend not anymore. Then why. I shook my head.
This is so messed up. I try to ask him sometimes but his mood swings and anger really scares me. But on a whole I’m glad he spoke to me first time. We had a normal conversation for once. And he said he would teach me to use an I-phone. I smiled at the thought, and at his heartwarming smile that I’m know so fond of. 


Author's Note; here the next chapter hope you like it after that heated chapter LOL

okay uhmn thanks for supporting the story, the reads on story increasing day-by-day that makes me smile i love every single person who reading it. :D <3

and hint of next chaptet--- in Zayn's POV yay!!! you will love it :D

and might the updates will be little slower because of college pls bear with it :)

P.S. comment and vote if you like and make me grin like fool on my bed rolling and laughing and make me happy pls ;D
love ya.....happy reading

bye for now!!!

She is my Slave (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now