Krol holsterd his Gun and his knife as he watched Kiren walk away flicking his knife in the air as if it was a play thing, Krol sighed as he checked himself over, a slight scratch on his right cheek, Krol walked off down the halls to a point where it was a open walkway viewing out to Gabes small empire she had, just like before only this time they have room for vehicles, he crossed his arms taking note of what is going on.

He then got a phone call on his phone as he picked it up, it was Gabe, to him she was in the middle of having it off with that creepy basterd, but she wants him to get Gwen’s blood sample by any means nesccery.

Gwen woke up after having a bad dream, she was in her bed in the attic space, she looked around and found herself alone with no Ana in sight and a headache, she was still dressed from going to southend with the very thought about it made her smile as she opened the door and slowly climbed down stairs she could hear the sounds of a fry up going on, as she peeked into the kitchen she could see Marcus wearing just boxers and a T-shirt that said “Bite me” on the back, Marcus turned around and smiled at her as he said “how are you feeling?”

Gwen moved her hand to her head as the headache was getting worse “i’m ok but this headache is getting worse, what are you cooking?”

Marcus smiled and said “Well its not often i cook around here but its a simple full English with, sausages, bacon, egg, beans, tomato, mushrooms, hash browns and toast with tea”

Gwen smiled as she said “ok, i didn’t do anything stupid did i?”

“No you didn’t unless you count the fact that you and Ana tazerd a couple of guys twice your size and build and the fact that you said you loved me then no not really”

Gwen was trying to think but her head hurt even more but her eyes flew wide open as she repeated what he had said “Wait i said that i loved you?”

Marcus nodded as he cracked a egg into the frying pan “Yeah Gwen you must of had a few drink last night”

Gwen stepped towards Marcus as she asked him turn around, as Marcus did he could tell something was wrong so he asked her “You ok?”

Gwen shock her head as she said “No, i have to know, do you love me?”

Marcus seemed shocked by the question and didn’t know what kind of answer to give back, he didn’t have to say anything really but he said it for her peace of mind “I do, since we first met”

Gwen’s face went red in the cheeks as she turned her head to one side shying away from him, but Marcus stepped towards her and put his hand on her cheek slowly move her head to look at him, he kissed her on the lips, Gwen’s eyes nearly popped out there sockets with this move, she knew they kissed before and even snogged each other but for once, coming from him she could tell it was a genuine feeling, as she closed her eyes she put her arms around him as the two were chest to chest still kissing, the frying pan carried on sizzling as if to approve of what they are doing is right, Gwen stepped back and looked at the kitchen door, no Luna, Ruby or Ana for a matter of fact Gwen looked up at Marcus as he was smiling down at him she asked him “where is everbody?”

Marcus smiled and said “well Luna is off seeing her pack and Ruby and Ana are off finding out about some information”

Gwen didn’t look convinced as she asked “How long?”

Marcus smiled “Well only a couple of days, but a couple of days for just us two don’t you think?”

Gwens face grinned as she hugged Marcus tighter Marcus made a coughing gesture as he said to Gwen “well listen i better sort this out before we make plans of what to do ok otherwise it will burn, i meani don’t mind it being a bit burnt but you know”

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