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August 4, 2014, 3:16 p.m

I was laughing as luke and Brittany and I were walking around hot topic. we all decided to have a mall day together. it was going really nice actually. and luke and Brittany was getting along fine. I know they both get jealous of the time I spend with each other.

"I need to sit. my back is hurting," I said and took a seat on the small bench in the store. Brittany smiled before sitting on my lap, nod causing my sore thighs to ache in pain so I quickly pushed up on her and stood up myself.

"What, is something wrong?" she asked embarrassedly as luke started at me wondering what all that was about. but I couldn't say.

"No no, I just got a Charlie Horse in my leg," I recovered quickly, sighing as she chuckled giving me a little pout and a kiss to make me "feel" better.

"Uh how about we head out? I'm getting tired," I said and Luke nodded agreeing with me before we all headed back to my car, trying to decide whether or not to stop and get ice cream, which we ended up getting mine with sprinkles.

"Just drop me off at daddy's apartments, i'm meeting mom there," she said and I nodded as I headed there. within a few minutes we arrived and I gave her multiple kisses before hopping out of the car.

Luke hopped up front with me before I headed back towards my house. "Today was nice," Luke said and I nodded agreeing.

Once we got to my house, we walked inside and Harry ran up to me trying to get in my bag.

"What'd you get? Huh?"

"Back off, Harry," I groaned pulling my bag away from his nubby fingers as he laughed seeing it was books inside.

"Nerd," he snorted as I thumped the back of his head hard, pleasing myself as he cried out loud.

"uh!! i'm telling mom when she gets home, you idiot!" he cried as I rolled my eyes as luke and I went upstairs to my room and shut the door behind us.

"Nerd," Luke joked as I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, idiot," I joked as he smiled and sat on my bed along beside of me.

after an hour or two we were just sitting there talking and somehow I manage to bring up...us. if you would call us an "us".

"Does anyone know about...us?" I asked and he looked at me and shook his head.

"No, just you and I," he said and I nodded playing with my fingers.

"So Calum doesn't know, does he?" I asked as luke frowned and slowly shook his head.

"No...why would Calum know?" he asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, you guys are just really close and I just kind of figured you'd tell him I guess."

"Wait," he chuckled, shaking his head, "What do you mean by 'really' close?"

I just shrugged my shoulders, not saying anything. I mean, it's not like I was wrong. i've seen him break down to Calum before. He doesn't really do that much to me. He does, but like, does he do it more with Calum? When he's sad does he go to Calum instead of me?

Guess I can't get mad over that. I go to no one and turn to stupid things. Take a look at my thighs for example. Or scars on my wrist that are almost invisible.

"No, you were trying to go somewhere with this so explain yourself," He said as he waited for me to go on but I wasn't sure on what to say it how to even say it.

"Have Calum and you done anything?" I asked and he merely laughed.

"You have got to be kidding me right now," He chuckled, which was odd because he found the situation not funny. I knew it was angering him. "Why would Calum and I do anything? You're literally insane," he shook his head.

"Sorry I even asked," I shrugged as he sighed and pulled out his phone and answered it. I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"No...Yeah Ashton," he said as I watched and he glanced back at me before walking away and he nodded his head, "Yeah right now?...Okay i'll meet you there," he responded before hanging up and hopping off my bed.

"Where you going?" I asked softly.

"Calum has support group. I go with him," He responded and I nodded as he started to leave, but he turned back around and gave me a sly smile.

"i'll text you later, cutie," He grinned adding a wink before walking out, leaving me flushed with a heated face, and a goofy grin on my face.

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