Hetalia: America x Tsundere!Reader

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Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nickname
F/A - Favourite Animal

  "Ugh," you groaned loudly. "I hate having to deal with humanity!"

You shoved your face into your pillow, cursing that you had to deal with people. Sometimes you just didn't get how human kind degraded this low.

You were at a restaurant with your best friend, Alfred. It was a friendly night out between you two. The bad thing? You two had to deal with 'stupid' humans the entire time. People who knew no personal space, were obnoxious and loud, etc. Sometimes you wondered how you were a human and of their kind.

"Humanity isn't that bad Y/N!" a voice chimed behind you.

You lifted your head up from your pillow to see the person you were just thinking about standing at your doorway.

Standing there was Alfred in all his glory. He had short blond hair. There was a small piece of hair that stuck up. He had sky blue eyes and wore glasses.

"I beg to differ. Why are you even in my house?" you groaned, smushing your face into your pillow again.

He ignore your question and moved beside you.

  "Oh come on N/N! I mean, you deal with me!" he said cheerfully, calling you by that nickname you hated.

"Don't call me that. Unfortunately I have to deal with you," you snapped back at him, your words slightly muffled by the pillow.

"Dude, I will prove it to you that humanity isn't all that bad N/N! After all, that's the point of being a hero!" he said determinedly, striking a pose with his eyes sparkling.

You, knowing your friend long enough, knew he wouldn't give up. You started rolling around on your bed, still pushing your face into your now face imprinted pillow, cursing everyone on the planet and groaning as well.

The next day, you woke up to something shaking you. The sun started shining brightly through your windows as the curtains were drawn open. You slowly opened your eyes, instantly being blinded by the bright rays.

"Y/N! Wake up! We have a full day ahead of us!" Alfred said loudly.

You groaned at his chipper voice, rolling back over to go back to sleep closing your eyes again while clutching the blankets to your body.

"Cmon dude! Don't make me use my hero powers on you!"

You, without looking, threw a pillow at him hitting him directly in the face and making him fall over.

"Thanks dude. I guess I'll have to use my powers on you!"

With that said, he took the blanket you were holding on to and pulled it to the ground with you still holding on. You fell to the ground with a big thump.

You immediately sat up, glaring at the American standing triumphantly in front of you.

"What's the big deal!?" you shouted at him angrily.

  "Well you wouldn't get out of bed so I took matters into my own hands! Now go get changed, I'll be waiting outside like the hero I am, waiting for you!"

He walked out, closing the door behind him.

  "Argh, idiot," you muttered to yourself, getting dressed.

You walked out of your room with a grumpy look on your face. Alfred, after seeing you, quickly dragged you out the front door and outside.

  "Ahh! Where are you taking me you idiot?" you yelled as he continued dragging you along.

He didn't answer you but eventually you guys stopped at an amusement park. You looked at him confused, wondering why he dragged you here of all places.

"I'm going to show you that humanity isn't all bad!" Alfred said determinedly as he once again started dragging you places.

The day wasn't actually that bad as it progressed. The people weren't like the people at the restaurant and you actually found yourself having a good time! Not that you would ever admit though.

As you were walking along with Alfred, him not dragging you around for once, you saw a giant stuffed F/A. You looked at it in awe, not knowing Alfred noticed. Alfred saw you looking at it dreamily and decided to get it for you. He knew you would never admit that you wanted it on your own accord as you were too stubborn and prideful.
He walked up to the person running the game and paid to win the prize for you. He succeeded easily and got the plush for you.

"Here! It's for you!" he said putting it into your hands.

  "Th-thanks!" you said stuttering and blushing at his action, not expecting it.

The time flew by after that and before you realized, it was already the end of the day. Alfred accompanied you back to your house, him proclaiming it was the thing to do since he was a hero.

  "So dude, have I proved that humanity isn't all bad?" he asked you with a questioning look on his face. You sighed looking away and rolling your eyes.

  "I suppose not all humanity is bad. But that doesn't everyone is good! Most of humanity is still terrible to deal with!"

You started ranting and shouting on about the negatives of humanity when he silenced you with a quick kiss to the lips.

You immediately quieted down after feeling it.

He gave you a cheeky grin after pulling away and quickly left while shouting, "The hero will see you tomorrow!"

You watched as he ran down the street with a faint blush on your face.

  "That idiot..."

I'm sorry for the lack of updates here! I've been busy with a lot of things and considering this takes a bit more time to write than anything else, I've had to put it off. Though nearly at 100 reads! Yay!

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