Ch.29 Rookie's Battle - Part 6

Start from the beginning

I nodded

"Is that it? entertain me a bit more....there's not enough yet......Blood!" Gaara stated

He got this even more crazed look to him and I could feel it from here, I shuddered again

Kankuro smirked

"I you can feel it then?" kankuro asked

I glared at him

"His Blood Thrist" Kankuro stated

I nodded

The sand went at Lee, he jumped to avoid it but the sand caught his leg and stopped his movement swinging him around in the air like a rag doll and slamming him into the wall under us

My eyes went wide and I winced as if I felt his pain with him

*Hang in there Lee.....* I called

*D-Don't worry about me.....Hehe......I'm fine* Lee stated

I sighed

He ran at Gaara again dodging another sand attack and was blocked again......the entire time Gaara never moved an inch in any direction with his arms crossed and expressionless features like a statue.....not even a smirk.....though it was slightly obvious he was itching to see blood he didn't show it at all......

Why's he using the same methods over and over again when its obvious they're not going to work? why doesn't he use other techniques? why doesn't he try and use a jutsu....something.....anything! at this rate he really will be killed

Sakura then spoke my thoughts

"Why is Lee only using Taijutsu? he'll never be able to get close enough for that, why doesn't he step back a bit and use Ninjutsu or something?" Sakura asked

"Its not that he doesn't use it.....he can't use it" Guy stated

My eyes widen and I gawked at him

*What? seriously? he never said wonder he's using the same freakin moves over and over......that's all he can do!* I stated surprised

"Lee has almost no Ninjutsu or Genjutsu skills" Guy stated

"N-No way" Sakura stated

"When I first met Lee he was completely inept, he had no talent whatsoever" Guy stated

"I don't believe it" Sakura stated

Lee then did backflipps as the sand chased after him.....that is until he tripped over the sand Haha kinda watching from up here

For a second it looked as if the sand swalloed him whole that is until Guy chuckled and we all looked up to see him spinning like a ball in the air as he landed on top of the hands doing a jutsu sign statue or whatever it was called

"Certainly a ninja who can't do Ninjutsu or Genjutsu is rare....that's why the only paths open to Lee as a ninja were Taijutsu.....but that's percicely what makes him a winner....." Guy stated

I smirked

"Lee! Take them off!!" Guy yelled

'I raised an eyebrow

Take what off?........Oh......a realization hit Lee wearing weights?

"B-But Guy sensei, you told me to only do that to protect a large group of very importaint people" Lee stated

"That's quite alright, I give you permission" Guy stated

he had a thubs up

Lee was laughing and he then revealed the weiths that werre holding him back as the others flipped out

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