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okkkkk....so there's this boy in my school.

and we kind of have a thing with him, I think.

so I'm kinda hopeful.

And I'm going to write down the stuff that happens with him as extras.

So let's start from the beginning.

He's one year older than me.

I always see him in school.

We became friends in a mixed exam day, which is kind of like a ritual in my school, where they place us in different classes, mixing us up, and we enter an exam. He sat in front of me, and made me laugh throughout the whole 120 minutes. I'd never been so relaxed in an exam before.

He has this glim in his eyes, this twinkle. Nobody has ever looked at me that way.

His brown eyes are so warm like that, and so is his smile.

I go from one person to another person quite frequently, because I like people for fun.
I was bored, and thought maybe I could like him.

But this never turns out well,
because I'm really starting to like him.
and liking someone never ends up well for me.

The truth is, I've noticed him ever since the start of this year.

We've seen each outer before, and though it was totally random for me back then, we'd still gaze at each outer even then.

Now, well, we're close friends. And we talk a lot. I also talk to his friends, his best friend is someone i love a lot. he's such a gentleman! though i say this because he and i could never be something more anyway.

Update: i was climbing the stairs, we made eye contact, he smiled, I smiled back.

Update: one of my friends think he's interested in me. something about him not talking to any other girl like that, as far as they can see?

Update: we made eye contact again. we always make eye contact, and talk a bit, but these gazes are different. he was on his bike, riding towards his house at lunch break, i was with my friends, walking to my house with them. he stopped riding, and i stopped walking. and he smiled, and so did I. one of my closest friends said we both looked so goofy smiling like that, and that his smile had been so adorable.

Update: I keep thinking of him.

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