her notes

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my demons are not big,
they're not unleashed.
i'm a happy person,
happy as can be.

but i'm also depressed,
and sometimes i can't see,
the moon between the stars,
when the stars are so blinding.

i run away from problems,
and i'm not known to win.
but even now, i'll say it, you won't succeed.

the bridge asked one day,
to the lake beneath,
what does it feel like,
to be trapped underneath.

the lake said it was awful,
it wanted to reek havoc,
and ruin all peace.
it was tired of staying,
so stupidly complete.

the bridge replied,
why can you not do so,
when you're so very able?

the lake replied with storms,
and its fury was unleashed.
the water went everywhere,
and filled people's worst dreams.
the lake they once knew, was gone, it seemed.

the bridge stood there,
yet still complete.
the lake was still, still trapped underneath,
it hadn't moved an inch,
just released all its fury,
that built up for years,
for years of blooming.

but it had moved,
had done something,
had changed something,
made something,
left something.

and the bridge was all along,
just obedient as can be.
even if it tried,
it could never unleash,
its endless fury.

and so, the bridge got older,
with its demons held captive between,
its brick made walls,
and stone made dreams.

and it rotted,
lost hope,
drowned from what was beneath.
and even then, it was just a bridge.

just a stupid, obedient, bridge.

(the one you think you'll save(you are crazy. i don't even know you, why would i meet a stranger? you might kill me. you might erase my presence.
and you'll still be cocky while doing it. no way am i agreeing.))

Her Notes, His Replies, Their TreeWhere stories live. Discover now