I watched him stick his finger in his head and rub it over the gash before pulling it out and sighing, looking around. He stood up, wiping Jack's blood that covered his finger on his pants leg. He started walking around in a circle of Jack's body, scanning the ground and finally picked up something. It was a rock, and he turned it around over and over in his hand and I watched, looking at him. He bent down to Alex and I couldn't hear him speak, whispering to Alex and only making him cry more. Austin stood up and sighed, thinking for a second and then held up the rock.

"Jack was hit over the back of the head from this rock." Austin said and I looked at Ronnie and then at Alex, seeing him crying muffled sobs into Pamela's shoulder. "The strength and power that came from this rock had to be from someone with the intent to hurt him. His head is indented 1 and a half inches in, and if it was just simply he fell, the rock wouldn't have dug that deep." He said and most of us nodded, looking down at Alex.

"B-but no one was back here with him." Onision spoke up and we all looked back at him. He was right, we didn't notice anyone go back there except Ronnie to check on Jack.

"Ronnie?" Austin asked and Ronnie looked at him with shock and confusion.

"What? You think I hit him over the head with a rock or something?" And no one said anything, and Alex looked up from Pamela's shoulder and watched as Ronnie looked around in horror. "What the hell guys? I was back here for 3 seconds. And on top of that, he was already taking too long." He tried to justify himself and no one said anything for a minute and then Chris spoke up.

"But how else would that happen? The only other explanation is that he fell." He said to Austin and we all looked around at one another, waiting for someone to think of a newer or better theory.

"Hold on." Ronnie said and everyone looked at him. "Put that rock back where you found it." He instructed Austin who looked confused and moved back towards Jack's body and sat the rock down approximately where he found it.

"W-what?" Alex sniffled, looking over at Ronnie.

"I need you all to move away from the body, I-I think I've got something." He said and walked towards Jack's body as Alex and Pamela stood up. "Move back." He told them and they came back over towards the crowd and stood there, silently waiting.

Ronnie looked at the ground around Jack and studied it, before going over towards the shed that was about 3 meters from Jack. As Ronnie got closer, there was a rumbling in the trees that made us all turn towards it. I looked at Ronnie, seeing him look at the shed and then slowly walk to the trees that aligned the estate. It seemed to be a few acres of woods that surrounded the place, so if someone was out there it would be very hard to find then. He got to the edge of the woods, looking through the trees into the pitch black darkness and the wind started to howl. Rustling the leaves and making all of us shake and shiver again and I felt Hannah grab ahold of my hand and lean into my side.

I looked down at her and saw she was watching Ronnie and I wrapped my arm around her before holding on to her close. I turned my attention back to Ronnie, watching him move from the trees over to where the rock was. He crouched down and looked at it, then over in front of Jack, then at the ground. He took his fingers and made them walk the distance from the spot the rock was in to Jack's head. He slowly stood up and touched the temple of his head as he tried to think and most of us were getting really impatient.

"Can you tell us why the hell we're here waiting on you to just look at s.hit?" Kellin yelled at him, shivering in Vic's arms.

"Yeah. Austin, do you think if it was thrown it would make the same indent?" Ronnie asked and Austin seemed to think, shrugging.

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