A Good Kind Of Hurt

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Love is the thing of fairy tales, isn't it? Of happy endings?

Then why do people call it a pain? That it hurts?

You'll understand someday when every fiber of your being starts burning,

Every nerve ending lights up like a Christmas Tree,

Every muscle screams from longing,

Every heartbeat keeps track of the time without your other half,

Every inhalation becomes a painful reminder that you're not breathing the same air,

Every exhalation turns into a sigh of impatience,

Every, every thing proves to you how much Love is a pain.

It hurts to Love, yes, I won't lie.

Love is a weapon just like a knife or a gun

It cuts through your ribs

And mercilessly lodges itself inside your heart

And makes every inch of your skin itch, makes it scream in agony.

But in the name of being truthful, I should tell you--

It is a good kind of hurt.


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