Two years later

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As soon as I woke up I knew the medicine didn't work. My head was pounding and the scar down my right arm was starting to reopen. I somehow managed to drag myself through the layers of pain into my closet to change, and after than to brush my teeth (I brush my teeth in the bathroom, not the closet. Just making sure you knew that). I ate some toast and after grabbing my jacket, I started dashing towards my car. Well, I started to. Then I stopped. I went inside. Laid down for about half an hour and took some medicine. Then slowly walked to my car. Stupid crash. I wanted to bang my head against the steering wheel in frustration, but that would probably result in another crash. Fifteen minutes later, I was walking up a nicely paved sidewalk up to a giant building. A sign helpfully pointed out it was called Devil Town Local Hospital. I walked in and immediately turned to a door clearly labeled 'No Entry'. "Excuse miss..." The secretary tried to stop me, but I cut her off. "Excuse me miss, but I have an appointment with Doctor Jane."  Without another word, I walked through the door. I let go the breath I realized I'd been holding in. I needed to see the doctor. I just was just unexpected.

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