Chapter 15: While compassion remains

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Lucius hurried over to Ivan as soon as he could confirm the beast to have fainted and that no more rocks would fall from the ceiling, but the sight in front of him forced his legs to slow down.

Was he even alive?

He kneeled down in front of Ivan, trying to ignore the wound for the time being and instead focused on his eyes.

"Ivan?" he tried, hoping that his first name was more likely to reach through. "Can you hear me?"

The light in Ivan's eyes was fading, and Lucius' stomach turned as he inevitably inspected the wound.

He wouldn't survive it. That much was apparent. Even if that Larkspur potion had healing properties, could it manage a wound like that?

Even so, there was no time to hesitate. Ivan was at risk of dying at any moment with all that blood escaping his body, and why would Lucius not help him? The potion was for him anyway.

But do I really know it will work? He's so far gone as it is, I might as well be wasting it.

Lucius blinked, mind trying to process the thought. He was pretty sure that's not what he would think at a time like this.

Isn't it better to keep it? Save it for when it can actually be of use?

He blinked again, shaking his head and trying to make sense of his mind. He wouldn't think that, would he? But it sounded like his thoughts, or at least he thought it did.

But weren't his thoughts right? What if it was too late to save Ivan? He'd use something so potentially powerful for nothing.

Then his mind went to Milica. He was her family, and the father of her unborn child. Would it be all right for Lucius not to even give them a chance to be together again? And how many times had Ivan saved him already? Or prioritised his safety in general? Placing him where he'd be least in danger, having him hold on to his knife, grabbing him when the door almost knocked him into the water, not to mention disarming the man who tried to shoot him.

How could he not try to save him?

It wasn't hard to find the potion inside his coat, and fortunately the glass had survived the attack. All Lucius had to do was figure out how to apply it. It was an elixir, so drinking it would be the logical way to go, but he doubted Ivan could swallow in his state.

In the end, Lucius took a chance and poured it over the gash in Ivan's stomach. It would still come in contact with his blood, and if anything he figured something that heals would do its best work at the very place it's supposed to heal.

And then he waited.

He tried listening for any signs of Tom and Richard heading their way, or if the garm's breathing changed in a way suggesting she was waking up, but aside from the rushing water he could hear nothing.

"Come on, Ivan," he whispered, a sadness he hadn't expected welling up inside him. He wanted to call the man an idiot, or a reckless masochist, but in the end Lucius ended up admiring him. Perhaps it was because of his ability to have made it so far despite everything, or simply because the idea of being valued over someone's own life was immensely flattering.

Lucius pursed his lips. Was that why? Had his Scourge pact worked its magic and made someone shield him against their actual will?

His eyes widened all of a sudden as he noticed the rapid onset of red tissue forming around the edges of Ivan's wounds, and he leaned closer to witness the miraculously quick recovery of a human body.

For a moment he wondered if this was how Anthony had survived, but as the gash closed further he could conclude that it would still leave some massive scars while Anthony's skin had healed completely.

The Judgement Of Divinity (TMOE #2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora