Chapter 37 [Broken Hearts]

Start from the beginning

“We’ll be discovered. Sooner or later Aide, the press with find out about us.” Again I reasoned.

“So? I don’t care, let them know! I couldn’t care less. Don’t you see? I love you Fay, even if it means letting go my succession rights so that we can be together, I don’t care.”

At that declaration I wrenched my hands and stepped back. Aiden was taken aback by my actions which gave me the chance to speak.

“I can’t let you do that.” Of course I cannot. Becoming king was his destiny, it was something he had been groomed to do and Aiden loved his country.

“It’s my choice to make.”

“But not because of me! I won’t let you do that.” Stifling back the tears I pulled another lungful of air and grasped for the doorknob. “Leave.”

“Fay…” he kept calling my name but it was clear what I had to do.

“Leave, now.”

“You can’t shut me out every time things gets hard, let me in.” he begged. But I was hearing none of it. My heart was splintering piece by piece, it ache so much that I wanted to curl and wither away.

“Get out. I won’t return home with you Aiden.”

Then, a sudden calm took him over and anger reared in again. Hands on his hips he whispered through gritted teeth, “Tell me the truth this time, what is the purpose for all of this?” 

I balled my hands into knuckles so tight my nails were digging into my palm. The restrain I had practiced earlier to hold back my tears shattered, the salty moisture ran free. I met his eyes and discipline my breathing so that I would not flinch or stutter: “I was offered a scholarship by St. Martins. Between you and my dreams, I chose me. I would always choose my dream over you.”

I saw the glimmer of hope Aiden had had earlier smashed to smithereens, dashed to dust. In an anguished voice he asked me, “Just tell me, have you ever loved me?”

A ragged sigh was heard next to the ear-piercing silence in an English summer night. A broken heart bled all over the hard wood floor of a small apartment and ceaseless sobbing was the only companion to a dejected figure curled in a dark corner of the room. Everything hurts.

“I don’t love you.” The sentence was, as forbidden as blasphemy. But it was too late to take it all back. I had said it blatantly to his face. Aiden did not wait to witness as I crumpled into a heap on the floor; he had left as soon as the words left my trembling lips.

I did not know when I had finally dozed off. When I had finally came round there were faint light illuminating the room and my new mobile phone, ringing off the hook. I decided to ignore it but after the next three consecutive rings I changed my mind and pushed the glowing green button to accept the call.

“Fay? It’s Ryui.” The called had immediately identified himself after my unenthusiastic hello.


“Listen, I’m sorry to tell you this but…” the tone of his voice got my cracked working, spreading venom into my bloodstream.

“What happened?” I surprised myself hearing how calm my voice was.

“It’s Aiden. He was involved in an accident early this morning. Fay, I don’t think he can hang on much longer.”


“ The embassy will come and get you while the rest of the family is flying in to London. He’s at the King George…” I did not hear much of Ryui’s later instructions; I was too preoccupied maintaining grasp on my slipping consciousness.

‘I don’t think he can hang on much longer…’ that sentence had me reeling.



i'm not gonna say much cause it will ruin the suspence. please give me LOTS OF COMMENTS or else im gonna stop posting. hahaha, kidding!! you know i love you guys so much...!!! 



just a quick shout out to my sisters _RetroLuv_ & Eliza Monroe, they're celebrating birthdays today!! YAY for them. i love you Lizzy and i love you too Retro hunny, so very much if i let it all out here its gonna get mushy and i'll end up writing an ode in honor of you and your sexiness. Love guyss!!!  


a few more chapter to go till we meet the end~~!


Ariel Aii 

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