"That's what I told him! But everyone's like, oh, he loves her, they couldn't help it, blah, blah blah. Doesn't change the fact he went behind my back," George said, trying to control his anger as he watched the waves becoming rougher.

Max looked out at the waves and smiled. "You know I had a friend like that once."

"Yeah? What happened?"

"He stole the girl I loved. Married her, in fact."

"Really? What'd you do?"

Max chuckled. "Not much I could do. Except watch them be happy, have a kid, and be even more happy. Shattered my heart to a million pieces," Max said angrily.

"Why do all the nice guys lose the girl?"

"Girls like the bad boys," Max said with a grin.

"So, what you're a bad boy now?" George asked, eying the black leather jacket and dark shades.

"Hey, whatever works," Max said with a shrug and a grin.

George chuckled. "Wish it were as easy. I've been the nice guy, my whole life. Hasn't gotten me anything."

"Just takes practice."

"But don't you want girls to like you for you instead of pretending you are something you're not?"

"Who are you? Wally Cleaver?"

George chuckled. "I told you. I'm the nice guy."

"Kid, we've got a lot of work to do," Max said, throwing an arm around him.


Isabella pulled herself out from under the now sleeping military guy she had picked up from a night club. She pushed him away, sat up in the bed, and wrapped her arms around her legs.

Her hunger was now satisfied. She'd taken enough from him to knock him out before he wanted more from her. That was one thing she was grateful that Trey and Max had taught her. She never wanted to have sex with a man unless she loved him. And yet, that was the one thing she needed to toss around at men to get them alone with her so she could get what she wanted. What she needed. She hated herself for that. She hated herself for what she was.

She thought of Tony's blood supply in his refrigerator. How can he be satisfied with stored blood? Granted it took the edge off. But she didn't know how he managed it on a daily basis. She imagined he must frequent the givers often. Or perhaps, he did as she, taking from the unknowing.

She looked at the man sleeping on the bed. He was still in uniform. His blond hair was shortly cut, military style. She knew he'd play up the military aspect. Most did. He flirted with her and she allowed him to do so until he was sure that he had won. But really she had.

They had come to the hotel with their intentions being total opposite. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into. She got him onto the bed and kissed him as he wanted. Let him touch her curves as he wanted. And she then took what she wanted.

Isabella put her head into her knees and breathed. All the years and she still felt guilty of what she did. Now she was feeling guiltier because she had kissed another man other than Ray. What was she getting herself into? She never had a relationship before. She only hunted. Men were prey.

But Ray was different. She actually had feelings for him. Real, honest loving feelings about him and yet her nature forced her to betray him.

She heard a light tapping at her door. She crossed the hotel room and quietly opened the door. Trey peered at her and then inside at the sleeping man, relieved she and he were both fully dressed.

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