Alternative Ending

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When you started to come back around you realised where you are; back at Avengers Headquarters. You woke up in your room, noticing all your wounds had been attended to. Still you felt a bit sore and stiff. But you managed to pull yourself up from the bed and make your way out of the room, to find the others.

It didn't surprise you to find mostly everyone in the common room. The look of relief appeared on all of their faces at the sight of you. Bucky is the first one to come and give you a hug. Next in line is Steve, who held onto you tightly. His feelings for you are still obvious.

"Where are my parents?" you decided to ask, hoping they are somewhere safe. Wondering how they are coping with everything that has gone on.

"We found a new place for them to live, somewhere safe. They will be fine." Steve smiled and assured you that your parents are alright. That's all that really mattered to you right now. Wishing they were never brought into this in the first place.

"I have come to a decision about my future here. I want to leave the Avengers and be with my family." you announced, not really giving it that much thought. But you knew it was the right choice to make. They needed you more than the Avengers did. Steve seemed shocked at your decision, though he understands why.

"You're leaving?" Bucky's voice trembled, he clearly doesn't want you to leave. It probably means he won't get to see you again.

"Yes, I hope you can all understand why. This isn't the life for me. Hydra almost took what precious memories I have left. I want to live as normal a life as possible. I wish I could stay, but I can't... I just can't." you explained as best as you could. Bucky held back his tears and nodded along as you spoke.

"It's a real shame to be losing you y/n. We will all miss you." Steve spoke on behalf of the team, since no one else is up for speaking. Someone had to put on a brave face. Even though he is sad to see you go.

Bucky excused himself so that he could let the whole thing sink in. Not wanting to cry in front of the team. Steve put his hand on your shoulder. His eyes speaking for him. They looked as if to say; I will always love you and I respect your decision, although I wish you would stay.


You had said your goodbyes, everyone waving to you as you got onto a motorcycle of your own. It is Steve's but he is allowing you to keep it. As a reminder of him. He had given you the location of your new home. Only you and him know where it is.

It is emotional watching you drive away for the second time. Part of Steve knew this would come. You left the first time for a reason. Things just turned bad when you did. Now your family is safe, no harm will come to you or them. Steve made sure of that. A tear rolled down his cheek, just one. His heart is aching all over again. He is sure the heartache of losing you will never leave.

As soon as you are out of sight, Bucky went back inside. It is bringing back painful memories. He really thought you would stay this time. To be with him, looks like he was wrong. It would take time before he is over you.

This time it is Steve who remains behind, even after he can no longer see you. Just standing there, as if he is waiting for the chance you might turn back. He could only dream.

"You okay man?" Sam put a hand on Steve's shoulder. Snapping him out of his vision of you coming back to him. Bringing him back to reality.

"I will be." Steve faked a smile for his friend, not wanting him to worry. But Sam knows how much you meant to him. He is no fool, knowing love when he sees it.

"Do you think she'll come back?" Sam went on as he stood by Steve's side.

"She's not coming back, Sam." Steve simply said before making his way back into the building. Deciding that he has spent long enough outside. He would go release his emotions in the gym, as he always does.

Sam followed closely behind, feeling sorry for his friend. He can't even begin to imagine what he must be feeling right now. Bucky too. Because you meant a lot to the both of them. They both love you so much. Sam wonders if you left because you couldn't decide which one you really wanted to be with. It must have been a hard choice. He would miss you too, you are a good friend. Always had a good laugh with you and he is pretty sad that he won't see you again. That's the thing with life, people come, people go. You have to be ready for that sort of thing. Doesn't make it any easier though.

-Three years later-

After thinking about it long and hard, and from Natasha and Sam advising him, Steve has decided to come and visit you. Not to convince you to come back to the Avengers. But to tell you how he feels, how he still loves you. Of course he spoke to Bucky about the whole thing, and he told him to go for it. That he shouldn't hold back just because he had feelings for you too.

So here he is standing outside the door of the place you have been living in for three years now. He has had no communications with you since the day you left. So he has no idea how you will respond to him coming here unnoticed. As the door opened his heart accelerated.

You couldn't believe your eyes, Steve is the last person you thought you would see today. It's a pleasant surprise. Thinking you would never see him again. He wasn't in his Captain America uniform, surprisingly. Instead he is casually dressed. Looking rather handsome in fact. You forgot how much of an affect he once had on you. Still does.

"May I come in?" he asked with a smile.

"Of course." you opened the door wider so he could pass through.

Not much has happened since you left the Avengers. You are training to be a nurse, still wanting to help people, but in your own way. The life of an Avenger is overwhelming. Your memories are fully recovered now. Which Steve is really glad to hear. He noticed your father is not present, wondering if he is out or something.

"Where's your father?" he asked, not thinking much of it. But he could tell by the look on your face and your mother's face that it is bad news.

"My dad passed away a year ago." you told Steve who put his hand on yours for comfort. It got better, though you still miss your father. Any daughter would. Wishing you could have more time with him.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. He seemed like a good man." Steve paid his condolences, which both you and your mother appreciated. He remembers the first time he met your father. How he spoke of the good old days. He could relate to him in a way.

You and Steve decided to sit outside on the porch. It brought back fond memories. The both of you can remember it so well, as if it were only yesterday. Steve could never forget any time he spent with you. He treasured those memories dearly. Never wanting to let them go.

"I could never stop thinking about you. Always wondering how you were doing, what you were doing. If you thought about me or not." Steve admitted, he had to say it now or it would never be said at all. There's nothing to lose.

"I thought about you too. Hoping that you were doing okay." you confessed. It is true, you have thought about him. Some nights more than others. But thought of him nonetheless.

"And I want you to know, that I still love you. I understand if you don't feel the same way. But I thought you should hear it." he continued and you looked right into his eyes. You missed looking in his eyes the most. Forgetting how warm they make you feel.

"I love you too." you admitted your true feelings to him. Steve's eyes widened in surprise, that wasn't the response he was expecting. Before he could say anything more you grabbed him by the neck and kissed him passionately.

You always said you would do this if you were to ever see him again. Tell him exactly how you feel. He did not resist the kiss and happily kissed you back. It is almost too good to be true. He came here thinking you wouldn't want to see him or feel the same. Things turned out to be quite the opposite. Steve sure hoped this meant that a future with you is very possible. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. Glad that he came back for you, confirming that it is meant to be. Even though you have both been through ups and downs, it all worked out in the end. Steve couldn't be more happy than he is right now. 

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