Part five

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Steve got in contact with your parents, explained everything to them. It was a bit much for them to take in. Almost too impossible to be real. How could such a horrible, unimaginable thing happen to their precious little girl? At least they were happy to know you were alive and well now and in good hands. Better than what they believed to have happened to you in the first place. They thought you dead.

He got you alone, which is considerably hard because he has to compete with Bucky for your attention. And he couldn't help but notice you were spending more and more time alone with Bucky. It made him wonder what exactly is going on between you both. He shifted his focus back to the matter at hand. Not wanting to think about you and Bucky together for a moment longer.

"I contacted your parents, they would very much like to see you sometime soon. I understand if you don't want to speak to them over the phone, but I think it'd be a good idea." Steve began after clearing his throat, making sure he had your full attention. Which he did.

"I wish I could remember them. Maybe seeing them will help bring the memories back. Because I'll hate myself if I can't even remember one thing about them." you said with a gloomy look upon your face. Not one thing came to mind at the mention of your parents, no names... no faces. Nothing at all familiar, which is rather upsetting. These are the people who brought you into this world, raised you... And you can't even remember. It isn't your fault, but still you wished your mind was strong enough to fight back.

"If it helps, I'll come to see your parents with you?" Steve suggested as he put his hand on your shoulder. He would have pulled you into a hug to assure you everything would be alright. But he didn't want to allow himself to fall even more. The last time he held you in his arms, was enough to make him feel like he never wanted to let go. To become emotionally attached would be a disaster waiting to happen. Especially when he knows how Bucky feels for you. Even though Bucky hasn't told him personally, he knows. That is the main thing holding him back.

"You would do that?" your head shot back up from looking down at your feet, looking to Steve hopefully.

"Of course." his face lit up at your reaction. It was the kind of reaction he was hoping for. Although he didn't want to romantically involve himself with you (well he does but it is out of the question), Steve still wants to spend as much time alone with you as possible. Without Bucky being there too. That's all he wanted. Secretly he hoped you wouldn't suggest that Bucky comes along. He feels terrible for even thinking it, because it's his best friend. But at the same time, Bucky gets more time with you than he does. And that isn't all that fair.

"Then yes, I would like that very much." you accepted his offer without a second thought. You opened up your arms to him but he simply patted you on the back. Which confused you slightly. You wouldn't let it bother you too much.

"Great, well once you arrange something with them. Be sure to let me know." he told you before heading off elsewhere. You simply nodded in response.

It is time to make one of the biggest calls you have ever made in your life. You had to stop your hands from shaking. The nerves almost consuming you completely, trying to put you off of calling at all. But you knew you had to do it. No matter how hard it may be. When a woman answered you froze for a moment before telling her who it is. You could hear muffled tears from the other side of the phone. She is rather emotional about the whole thing. Telling you how relieved she is to know you're safe and most importantly alive. How much she has missed you. It made a lump gather up in your throat, getting you all worked up. Although her voice didn't seem to trigger any memories, it sure triggered your emotions. This is your mother and you are speaking to her. The whole thing is bizarre. Normally when a child calls up their mother it's to tell them how they are doing, what's going on in their life. Not to tell them how you were captured, tortured, experimented on, given powers... And somehow managed to survive this terrible ordeal. She then went on to tell you how proud she and your father are.

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