Part eleven

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When you finally regained consciousness, you found yourself back where all this madness started. They restrained you by strapping you to a dentist style chair. Memories flooding back to you in fragments. Causing you to struggle and try to break free, but you are strapped down tight. There is no way you could get yourself out of this. And because of the device around your neck, you couldn't even teleport. If only you didn't let your guard down, you could have fought against them. They used your parents as a distraction. That's when you began thinking about them, wondering if they are still alive. If they are alright and where they are being held captive.

As you stared around the dimly lit room, you started to hallucinate. You could see a young boy, around the age of fourteen, staring at you from the corner of the room. He looked strangely familiar. You remember him now... His name is Tom. He shared a cell with you here.

"I thought you were dead..." you could feel the tears prick your eyes. And with the blink of an eye, he is gone. It was all in your head. He is dead.

Hydra has no moral compass, bringing young children into their work. Tom was so scared. But you would be there to comfort him. Treating him like a younger brother. Eventually it was just the pair of you that survived the testing. Hydra almost succeeding to give both of you a specific power. Teleportation for you and regeneration for him. You remembered how they took Tom from your arms one night to finish what they had started. How he screamed and cried your name.

His screams continued to ring in your ears as they put him back under the knife. Then the agonising screams came to an end. Your heart stopped in that moment. He never came back after that. They killed him, all for their 'research' and own cause. It made you physically sick for days. Losing Tom really rocked you hard. You were starting to get out of control, in your emotional distress.

So eventually, hydra saw it fit to wipe your memories again. Erasing Tom completely. But now that the memories of him are coming back, the emotions came with it. You are mourning his death all over again. Banging your head against the top of the chair you are strapped to. It is all too much for you to take. Now they are going to try and erase everything again. Hydra has taken so much from you.

"Please... I need you now." you whispered to yourself. Hoping he would come and save you from this hell. Thinking about him helped to ease your mind slightly.


Bucky and Steve arrived at your parent's house, when they saw the door left wide open, they looked at each other. Fear written all over their faces. They both ran into the house, searching for clues. Although Steve has a pretty good idea about what happened here. It didn't take Bucky long to find the piece of paper you had dropped before you were taken. When he read it he crumpled it up in his metal hand and threw it into the fire.

"It's Hydra, they have taken her." Bucky informed Steve. The anger surging through his veins. He would not let Hydra take what is left of you. He would rather die than let that happen.

"That's what I thought. We can't go after them alone, we need to go back and get the team together." Steve told his friend, who nodded in agreement. It would take more than just the two of them to save you.

So they both returned to headquarters in the quinjet that they used to fly to your parent's house. If only they left sooner. The rest of the team could tell something is wrong by the looks on their faces upon their return.

"Everyone get suited up. Y/n needs our help, Hydra has managed to capture her again. And her parents." Steve gave out the orders to get ready, with a stern look on his face.

"We have to act quickly." Pietro added in, Wanda grabbing onto his arm. Knowing he fears for your safety. She knows that Pietro considers you as a close friend.

"Exactly, we depart in three minutes." Bucky turned around and headed for the weaponry room. Three minutes is all he needs.

Everyone sensed the urgency in both Steve and Bucky's voice. And because you are a valued team member, everyone is willing to save you. They all had to keep positive. Hoping that they would get to you on time, before Hydra finishes their work. If they succeeded they would probably have to fight against you. That's something neither one of them wanted to do. But if it came to it, they would have to stop you.

Steve grabbed his shield and got on the quinjet, he had everything that he required. He should never have let you leave. Blaming himself for the entire situation. Bucky entered the quinjet, armed and in his Winter Soldier uniform. Something he hasn't put on for the longest time.

"Is everyone ready?" Steve asked as everyone piled onto the jet. Each of them nodding to signal they are as ready as they will ever be.

"Hydra is going to pay for this. Every single one of them." Bucky turned to Steve who nodded. This is the last straw.

The doors of the quinjet shut as Natasha got it up into the air. Bucky looked out of the window. Thinking about you as he did. He didn't want you to end up the way he did. In fact he is still recovering from all that has happened to him. But since you came into his life, it has been easier. He needed you and believed that you needed him too. After all of this he hopes to be the one that holds you in his arms. However, he feared that if they didn't get to you on time... You wouldn't remember anything about him. All the memories you shared with him would be gone. And that terrified him more than anything else. 

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