Part nine

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You woke up the next day with a heavy heart. It was almost impossible for you to get any sleep. Three hours was all you got at the most. Thinking about what Bucky said to you last night. And then about Steve telling you that he won't wait around forever either. They both had enough of this game, whatever it is. You still needed to some time, there is still some time left to think things through. Hopefully you make up your mind by the end of today.

No one else is in the gym right now, so you decided to let off some steam. Exercising is usually a great way to distract your mind from everything else going on in life. You started going slow on the treadmill, gradually picking up speed. Going fast in no time. Trying to shift your focus away from Steve and Bucky. But it's too hard to clear your head. Their words whispering in your mind. Images of when you had sex with them creeping into your mind. Making your heart beat even faster. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear Pietro enter the gym. He zoomed over to the treadmill you are on.

"Y/n you are going too fast!" Pietro alarmed you and because you were not aware of his presence, your body lost all control. You were thrown off the treadmill. Not having the time to use your teleportation to stop yourself from falling because it all happened so fast.

Of course Pietro rushed to your aid, helping you back up onto your feet. He didn't mean to startle you the way he did. Now he felt bad for causing you to fall. It wasn't a soft landing.

"Y/n are you alright?" Pietro asked with a voice full of concern. His face also looked panicked. Hoping you are not badly hurt.

"I'm fine." you groaned slightly in pain, rubbing your lower back which hurt the most from the fall. But knew you would be alright, no point in complaining over nothing.

"So have you made your decision?" Pietro decided to change the subject, now that he knew you would be alright. He figured that's why you were here in the first place, trying to vent your emotions.

"No, not yet." you shook your head at him. "Bucky found out about me and Steve. He said I have to decide who I want to be with by the end of the week." you then told him and he narrowed his eyes.

"And if you don't?" he asked, even though he thinks he knows the answer. He would probably do the same thing if he was in this situation.

"Then he will leave for good." the thought of it is almost unbearable. You didn't want to be the reason for Bucky leaving. Knowing how much it would devastate Steve more than anything else. Losing his best friend all over again. It would be all your fault. Pietro wrapped his arms around you as he knows how hard this must be for you. But even he knew you would have to make a decision and fast. Before things get out of hand.

After speaking with Pietro the both of you made your way into the common room. When you walked in the atmosphere is tense as everyone is there, watching as Steve and Bucky argue with one another. You could hear the shouting from down the hallway. They are arguing over you, which is no surprise.

"Why did you try to take her away from me? Is it because she was spending more time with me than you? Because she loves me more, is that it? You were always jealous of me!" Bucky roared at Steve, questioning him as to why Steve slept with you. It is all kicking off now. Bucky clearly isn't aware of your presence, since his back is facing you.

"Not now Bucky..." Steve tried to get him to calm down, for your sake. He noticed you standing beside Pietro. Who had his arm placed on your shoulder. There is a look of horror written all over your face.

"You're supposed to be my best friend! How could you do this to me?" Bucky is not prepared to back down, continuing to shout and bawl.

"I am your friend. If you calm down we can have a talk, just the two of us." Steve is trying to negotiate with his friend. So that this doesn't escalate any further than it already has.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Bucky charged for Steve and threw himself at him. The both of them falling to the floor.

Bucky punched Steve multiple times with his metal arm, which causes a lot more damage than usual. Steve's face instantly swelling up due to the forces of the punches. Steve really didn't want to fight him, but he had no choice. He had to fight back. So he punched Bucky on the stomach, causing Bucky to flinch. Then he pushed Bucky off and pinned him down to the floor with all the strength he has. Of course Bucky would struggle and try to break free from his grip.

"Don't make me hurt you." Steve warned his friend, who is still trying to release himself.

"Enough! Both of you stop it!" you let out an agonising scream. Not wanting to see them fight each other. This is all your fault and should never have happened. Friends shouldn't fight like this.

Bucky held his head up so that he could look over to you, now aware that you had seen everything. Steve looked over his shoulder before getting off of Bucky, no longer holding him down. The look on your face made both of their hearts fall to their stomachs. They did not want you to witness all of this. Knowing how much it would hurt you. But Bucky got so enraged when he saw Steve. The anger consumed him and that's how it all started.

With tear filled eyes, you ran off to your room. Your mind is now made up, coming to a decision about what you must do. You had to leave the Avengers for good. And never come back. Then that way you could no longer come between Bucky and Steve's friendship. Which is more important than your feelings. You got your things together, throwing them into a bag. This is how it has to be. You would go and live with your parents. Get back to a normal life, rebuild your relationship with them.

As you were packing, Bucky stood at your doorway. Panting because he had to run after you. Worried that this might now change everything. Seeing you packing your bag couldn't be a good sign. Panic emerged within him.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. Please don't go. Stay with me... I need you." Bucky pleaded as he rushed over to your side. You had placed the last of your things in the bag before zipping it up and throwing it over your shoulder. Switching off your emotions. If you let him get to you it would only make you stay. And you couldn't let that happen. Telling yourself that this is the right thing to do. For everyone's sake.

"I can't stay Bucky. I have to go." you pushed past him, not looking in his eyes. If you did it would only hurt even more.

He followed you out of the room and outside. He had to stop you from leaving, somehow. Blaming himself, when really it isn't. You made this choice on your own. Steve's motorcycle is left outside and he forgot to take the keys out, much to your convenience. You secured your bag on the back, then sat yourself on the seat. Even though you have never drove one of these things in your life, it couldn't be that hard.

"Y/n don't go!" Bucky finally caught up with you, but it is too late. You started up the bike and drove away. Without looking back, tears streaming down your face. They would never hear/see you again. It's for the best.

Steve also ran outside after hearing the sound of his motorcycle being started up. Remembering he accidentally left the keys in it. He looked to Bucky who just stood there silently in his pain. It broke Steve's heart. Neither of them would forgive themselves for this. They also didn't know what would happen to their friendship. Without saying a word to his friend, Steve made his way back into the building. Wishing to be alone. Leaving Bucky outside.

His heart shattered into a thousand pieces as you drove away. He could go after you. But knew deep down that you left for a reason and didn't want to be chased. There's nothing he could possibly do to get you back. As he stood there the rain fell from the sky, slowly at first. But in no time it fell on top of him heavy, soaking through his clothes. You are gone. Nothing will ever be the same again. 

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