Part four

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It has been a week since you arrived here at Avengers headquarters. During that time you got to know everyone a little bit better. Although, you spent more time with Bucky and Steve than anyone else. You just preferred their company, it is nothing personal. Sometimes it would be with both, others with either one of them. When it is all three of you together, Steve would seem rather out of place. You didn't know why, but there is definetely something odd. He'd remain silent for the longest time whilst you and Bucky laughed and joked. Did he feel left out?

Right now however, Bucky is the one keeping you company. Everyone else is training or dealing with some other business. You have been practising increasing your skills concerning your teleportation. But you didn't have the slightest clue when it came to hand to hand combat. The option was there for you to join the others and train, but you just didn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of the entire team. Which meant you wouldn't be able to go out in the field with them, because you have no proper experience. It concerned you, so you told Bucky about it. He totally understood your reason.

"I just don't want to make a fool of myself, you know?" you licked your bottom lip in thought. The main reason you decided to stay here is to become a part of something. But you weren't even doing that.

"I get you, I really do. But everyone's an amateur when starting something new." Bucky reminded you not to be so pessimistic, he too believed in you.

"Even heroes?" you asked with a smirk on your face.

"Yeah, even heroes. You can become one too." he laughed slightly. But knew you could be something amazing, if you just put your mind to it.

"I just don't think I've got what it takes. I mean all I can do is teleport around the place. What good is that?" you let out a sigh, doubting yourself even more. Bucky wouldn't have it, not wanting to hear you talk yourself down.

"That's pretty impressive if you ask me. What if I told you I know a way to help you out?" he leaned closer, wanting to suggest something. You were more than willing to listen.

"Go on then." you urged him to tell you more.

"I'll teach you how to fight, then you throw your teleportation into the mix." he told you of his idea. If someone is going to teach you, why not him? You felt more than comfortable with Bucky so you didn't see why not.

"Sounds good to me, when do we start?" you then asked, eager to know. Feeling glad that he had made this offer. It would be so helpful.

"Come with me." he grinned at you as he rose to his feet slowly. Extending his metal hand, prompting you to take hold of it. Without thinking twice, you did just that.

Bucky then guided you into a smaller training room. It's clearly not made to fit the whole team inside. There was a punch bag near the far corner of the room, and blue training mats all across the floor. This place surely can't be used all that often.

"This is where I'd come while everyone else was asleep at night. To let some frustration out." he told you as you took a moment to look around the room.

"Angry from not being able to remember?" you quickly asked and he nodded in response.

"Yes, it always kept me awake at night. Barely sleeping... But recently, I've been sleeping a lot easier." he beamed, looking at you to emphasise what he had just said. Making you blush ever so slightly. Knowing he could now sleep because of you. It is remarkable to know exactly how much you have affected Bucky's life in such a short time of knowing him. Time really doesn't define anything at all. It's character that does.

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