Part thirteen

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Back on the quinjet it was made clear who you have chosen to be with. Steve couldn't lie, his heart is broken. He still had some hope that you might pick him. The only person he was fooling was himself. But it's okay, seeing you and Bucky happy together made up for it all. He can see the love between the two of you.

Bucky made sure you got medical attention, not leaving your side. Your wounds needed to be treated in case the were to get infected. Also, you just needed some time to rest up after everything that has happened to you over the past few weeks. It seemed like only yesterday you entered both of their lives. Time passes by so fast. But it is what you make of it that counts.

Meanwhile, Steve is busy trying to find a safe location for your parents to live. Since their old home got destroyed in all of this mayhem. It's the least he can do for them. He is sitting by himself in the common room of headquarters looking at different places. Trying to find something nearby so it would be easy for you to visit. And of course they would be offered protection if wanted.

Natasha was simply passing by when she noticed Steve sitting there looking through files at the corner of her eye. She thought that he must be hurting after the whole thing between you and him. Since you picked Bucky. Which she didn't judge of course. It is just a bit of a shame for Steve, he deserves some happiness for a change. At the end of the day; the heart wants what the heart wants. She decided to go over and have a little chat with him, he looks like he needs someone to talk to.

"You look busy." Natasha smirked as she took a seat across from him. Steve looked up from the files and managed a smile.

"Just trying to find a place for y/n's folks to live, some place safe." Steve explained to her.

"Are you alright? After everything that's happened?" Natasha folded her arms and leaned slightly forward. Expressing her concern for her friend. She knows she would feel pretty low if the person she loved chose someone else. Especially when that someone else is your best friend.

"I'm fine, really I am." Steve lied but Natasha could see right through him. After all, she was trained to tell when someone is lying. He is just trying to put on a brave face so he doesn't have to deal with the hurt inside.

"You know, you never could tell a lie, Rogers. I know how much she meant to you." Natasha went on, wanting him to get things off of his chest. And they say she isn't a very open person.

"She still does. But I have to let her go. What do you want me to say? That my heart is broken? That I feel like another piece of me is missing?" Steve's voice trembled as if he were about to cry. However, he managed to stop himself. Not wanting to speak of you right now, it's far too soon for that.

"I'm really sorry Steve." Natasha apologised, realising she is only upsetting him more. She has never really been that good at comforting people.

"It's alright. Would you care to help me find a place?" Steve quickly changed the subject before things turned awkwardly silent. He didn't want Natasha to suffer with him. She agreed to help him, at least it would help to take his mind off things.

-Elsewhere in Avengers Headquarters-

The doctor had attended to all of your wounds and fixed you up as best he could. There was not much he could do to marks left on the side of your forehead. All he could do was recommend a cream to apply on it every so often. Which should help it to heal. It shouldn't leave any permanent damage.

After all that Bucky took you to his room, which you would now be sharing together. He lay next to you on the bed, playing around with your hand as you spoke about the future. For now you would stay with the Avengers, and remain a part of the team. Until you decide to start a family of your own. Because this is no place to raise children. You both wanted to have children, just not right now. There is so much life still has to offer before that.

"We should get married sometime soon." Bucky threw into the conversation. It surprised you really that he would like to get married so quickly.

"Really, you think we should?"

"Yeah really, as soon as we can. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, y/n." Bucky rubbed his nose against your cheek lovingly.

"Of course. Y/n Buchanan Barnes, I like the sound of that." you beamed at him. The idea of being his wife made you more than happy. Bucky could see the little glint in your eyes. Wondering how he could be so lucky, to have someone as amazing and beautiful as you in his life.

"Me too." he stared into your eyes intensely before hovering over you and kissing you passionately. Slowly taking off your clothes so he could make love to you.

Everything worked out for you and Bucky in the end. It's true that there has been ups and downs. But that's what made your love for each other even stronger. You have survived so much together. Bucky is your true hero. He saved you in many ways. Before you met him, you were an emotional wreck, who couldn't remember most of your life. Then you met Bucky and could relate to each other. That's the moment you fell in love with him. It just took you a while to realise it. From now on you didn't want to be apart from him. You belong with each other and can't wait to start the rest of your life together. For there is great things for you both in the future. 

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