Part six

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Both you and Steve packed a bag and were ready to leave for your parents house. You would be travelling by motorcycle; of course you would be on the back of Steve's bike because you have no clue how to drive one yourself. You were saying your goodbyes to everyone. In return they wished you luck and shook your hand.

When you reached Bucky however, he looked down at his feet. Knowing you would be leaving him in a few minutes. Eventually he looked up at you and bit at his bottom lip to stop it from trembling. You pulled him into a hug as everyone else watched on. Everyone apart from Steve, he couldn't bare to look. Nor did he want to for a matter of fact. He didn't want to feel jealous, but he did.

"I'll see you when I get back." you smiled at Bucky as you pulled away from the hug. He was almost not letting you go, but knew he had to, so he did.

"I'll be here waiting." he managed a smile, even though his heart is aching deep down.

Now that you had said your goodbyes, you joined Steve who is getting the motorcycle started. Before you put the visor down on your helmet, you looked to Bucky one last time and waved. He waved back, watching as Steve and you drove away. The loneliness hit when he could no longer see you in his sight.

It felt strange being on the back of a motorcycle, it is your first time. You felt so nervous, feeling like you could fall off at any minute. Steve smiled to himself as your grip around his waist tightened. Even if it was just out of nerves. You must have found some comfort in it if you had your head placed against his back. He felt good now that he would be away from the rest of the team, with just your company. In fact he has been looking forward to it ever since you told him you organised a visit with your parents. He is excited to meet them both, they sound like lovely people. That and he couldn't wait to reunite them with their daughter. This is the closest you have been to Steve for a while, since he wouldn't let you anywhere near him.

Steve stopped the motorcycle, you are here. Taking off your helmet, you shook your hair back into place. You looked at the house and felt a lump forming in the back of your throat. Part of you recognised it the other struggled to remember. Steve stood by your side, his hand on your waist. You would walk to the door together. He would be here for you throughout it all, which is comforting to know. It was a good idea to bring Steve along.

With your shaking hand you knocked on the front door, waiting for a response. When it opened it revealed your parents. You definetely looked more like your mother. It is difficult to tell if you only recognised her because she looks like an older version of you, or if you just knew it is your mother. She took no time in wrapping her arms around you. Crying on your shoulder. You cried too as you held her tightly.

As you took a moment to hug your mother, Steve and your father got acquainted. Exchanging names and such. Your dad couldn't help but notice Steve's uniform and how big and strong he is. That's when he seen the shield and it all made sense. It was hard to let it sink in that Captain America is at his doorstep, reuniting him with his only child.

All of you made your way into the living room. Your mother made you and Steve a cup of tea. You told her to sit down while you explain everything to her. From the very beginning, when you were locked away from the world. Then about how these monsters experimented on you and gave you powers. How they wiped your memory in the process. But just by luck, Steve and the other Avengers saved you. Without them, you would still be in that horrible place. Both your parents eyes filled with tears as you told them what you have been through.

"Thank you for saving her." your mother's voice shook as she looked over to Steve who smiled.

"Just doing my job ma'am." Steve said to them both before turning to you, the smile grew on his face as he did. Which is funny because you really thought he was mad at you.

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