You got on the back of Steve's motorcycle waving goodbye to your parents as you drove off. They didn't know when they would see you again. At least they know where you will be. And that you're in good hands. That meant they could sleep at night without wondering if you're dead or alive.


Everyone is waiting outside for your return. Hoping everything went well. Bucky is in his room. That's where he has been spending most of his time since you left. Not speaking to anyone. He stared out of his room window, waiting for you to come back to him. Without you being present it dampens his mood.

When he saw Steve's motorcycle close by he jumped up from his bed and ran out of the room. He wanted to welcome you back with open arms. Never has he been so excited to see someone in his life. Even if it has only been for a night. It felt like forever since he had no one else. Bucky stood by the others with a huge grin on his face.

Steve stopped the motorcycle and you got off immediately, pulling off your helmet. It surprised you that everyone was waiting for your arrival. But as soon as you laid your eyes on Bucky, the guilt of last night hit you. Mainly because he looked so happy to see you. How could you betray him like that? Even though you're not with him, you still felt like crap. That's why everything is so confused. You don't know who you want. It should be an easy choice to make, but it clearly is not.

Bucky walked straight over and wrapped his arms around you tightly. Which showed you just how much he missed you being here. Your heart felt heavy in this moment. Should you tell him what happened between you and Steve? You feel like he has a right to know. But what would it cost? Would he ever want to see or speak to you again? It is a hard decision to make. Perhaps now isn't the best time. You wondered when would be a good time.

"I'm so glad to see you." Bucky whispered in your ear so that no one else could hear.

"I'm glad to see you too." you replied trying hard to hide the guilt.

You spent some time with Bucky in his room telling him how it went with your parents. He knew it would be hard. However, he got the feeling that there is something you're not telling him. You are being slightly off and not your usual self. There is less eye contact between the two of you. As if you are trying to avoid it completely. Maybe you are just shaken up a bit, trying to remember your life as it used to be. He knows exactly what that feels like.

"You'll remember eventually. It comes back in pieces. Some of it makes sense, some of it doesn't." he put his hand on your shoulder, wanting to provide you some comfort.

"However long it will take. I'm just so confused, Bucky. I don't know what to do." you said vaguely. Obviously he is unaware that you are talking about making a choice between him and his best friend. It troubled your mind to the point that you couldn't stop thinking about sleeping with Steve. The guilt you are feeling is far too much.

"Well I'll be here for you." he added and moved his face towards you and you kissed him. You didn't even think about it, you just did it without question. Digging yourself deeper into the hole you created.

When he pulled away from your lips he looked at you to see your reaction. Your face was pretty blank and emotionless. It made it hard for Bucky to tell whether you enjoyed the kiss or not. Or if it was even a good idea.

"I'm sorry." he felt himself apologising, looking down at his feet.

"No don't be, I just wasn't expecting that." you placed your hand on his face, directing his face to look at you. Gazing into his icy blue eyes longingly. Your heart ached for Bucky Barnes.

It probably isn't the best idea but you kissed him again. This time you were more relaxed and Bucky could tell the difference. The kiss is full of passion, driving you both crazy. You felt the rush flow through your body. Bucky slid his hand under your t-shirt, his hand on your breast. He pulled away from the kiss briefly to remove your t-shirt, then he pushed you slowly onto your back.

Two's Company, But Three's A CrowdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora