Without a moments thought, Steve rose to his feet as Bucky approached him. Throwing his arms around his best friend for a hug. It was quite emotional for the two of them. It's been so long. Bucky started to remember bits and pieces about his friendship with Steve. He knew deep down he had an emotional attachment to him.

"It's good to see you, Buck." Steve patted him on the back before pulling away from the hug.

"It's good to see you too." Bucky replied and he meant it. He didn't quite know the words to describe how good he is feeling right now. You gave him a slight nod, and he gave you one back. Steve couldn't help but notice the two of you acknowledging one another, as if you have already met.

"Do you know each other?" Steve looked to Bucky before looking to you. Wanting to know what he is missing here.

"I met Bucky last night when I couldn't sleep. We had a good talk, didn't we?" you explained to Steve, then looking to Bucky to back you up.

"Yes we did." Bucky smiled at you. Steve is rather overwhelmed by the whole thing. It couldn't be a coincidence that the sudden change for Bucky just happened overnight. It had to be because of your help. He always thought he would be the one to bring back Bucky Barnes. Clearly that it not the case. He really thought it was just time he needed to get back to his old self. There is an obvious connection between the pair of you, and Steve felt slightly jealous. Because he has feelings for you and because the whole thing about you being the one to bring back Bucky, not him.

You and Bucky went somewhere private to chat with one another. Wanting to get to know each other that little bit better. Even though both of you weren't really sure of who you are. He got emotional again when you asked him what he could remember from his past.

"Much like Steve, everyone I know is dead. Apart from Steve of course. I don't remember my family. Any of my other friends. Just Steve mostly. Sometimes I get flashbacks, but they make no sense. I don't know who any of the people are." he explained to you, his eyes glossy and filled with tears. Trying really hard to stop them from escaping his eyes.

"I haven't had any flashbacks yet. It's only ever recent events that I remember, since my mind hasn't been fooled around with for a while. If Steve and the other never got to me, Hydra would have wiped my memories again. To use me and my power as a weapon." you told him and he listened.

"You know, if it wasn't for you. I'd still be locked away, feeling miserable." he admitted and you felt flattered. You don't remember much about your old self but what you did know is, you now loved being able to help others out. Bucky thinks you have a heart of gold.

"It's good to talk about things, especially with someone who can really relate." you told him, smiling. He nodded in agreement also smiling. Really enjoying your company.

"I'm so glad that you're here. I could never talk to Steve about this sort of stuff. Don't get me wrong, he's my best friend and I love him. But he would only be able to listen, not understand." Bucky went on to say. You then put a hand on his shoulder.

Just then Steve walked in, feeling like he is interrupting something. But he wanted to speak with you. He stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. Bucky and you looked at him expectantly.

"Do you want something?" Bucky asked his friend, Steve nodded.

"Is it okay if I speak to y/n alone?" he asked. You looked to Bucky who motioned his head to towards Steve, urging you to go with him.

You got up onto your feet and made your way over to Steve, wondering what all of this could be about. It has to be important whatever it was.

"I'll see you later." you turned to look back at Bucky who nodded, waving goodbye to both you and Steve.

Steve had been thinking of a way to help you remember your life. So he did some digging, looking at your files. He made some discoveries, not that it was hard. You can pretty much find everything on the internet these days.

"So what is it you wanted to speak to me about?" you thought you should ask.

"I've found out some information about you. I've found your parents. I could take you to visit them sometime? You'd have to contact them first of course." he told you the news, you almost couldn't believe it. Steve has actually made the effort to find this out.

"You did that, for me?" you stood still, feeling like you were about to cry. Your emotions have been all over the place.

"It's the least I could do." he smiled at you and wasn't prepared for you throwing your arms around him. It was so unexpected but he naturally relaxed into the hug. Putting his arms around you. It certainly felt nice, just to hold someone in his arms.

"I'll get in touch with them at some point." you spoke into his chest. Not feeling quite ready to get in touch with your old life just yet. Wanting to focus on the here and now. Steve understood and respected that. At least you knew how he cared about you. That's all that mattered to him.

It still bothered Steve seeing you alone with Bucky, for some reason. He didn't realise his feelings for you were as strong as they are. All happening so quickly. The thing is he knows Bucky will now need you. More than anyone else. Steve has never felt jealous in his life, but this certainly made him feel that way. Not wanting to be in competition with his best friend. He let his guard down, something he told himself not to let happen, but it did. There's no turning back time now.

You both returned to the group who were all in the common room, talking away with each other. Noticing Bucky was sitting by himself. He still wasn't feeling that confident just yet. Baby steps, at least he is making a slow improvement. Both you and Steve sat on either side of Bucky. He was ever so glad to have the pair of you with him. Steve felt his heart ache a little bit in his chest. Sure he is happy to have his best friend back, and to see him happy. However, he feared he would lose you in the process. And even though he has only known you for a short period of time, it didn't matter. His feelings were strong and very much real. He is pretty sure Bucky feels the exact same way. That's what hurt the most. 

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