Part one

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It was another day in hell for you. Cooped up like an animal in a cage, left to rot. Surrounded by nothing but white walls. Sometimes you would be fed twice a day, if you were lucky. None of this made any sense, why they choose you. Why they abducted you from your own home and brought you to this god awful place. There was nothing more that you wanted other than a reason. It got so lonely, being trapped in here.

Some days were longer than others. Today is one of the longer ones. Wishing the experimentation would come to an end. They would probe you, and make incisions on your skin. Your human rights meant nothing to them. They were monsters. Their main goal being to give you super-human abilities. To turn you into a weapon. Along the way, they would erase your memory. Day by day you forgot more and more about yourself. The only reason you remember your name is because you carved it on the wall of your cell.

And as of now they are observing you in your room, trying to get you to focus. This would determine if their experiment has been a success. What made your stomach knot is; you're probably not the first or the last. They wanted you to try and teleport yourself from one end of the room to the other. You wanted this to work more than they did because if it failed- again- it meant you'd have to go under the knife for what seems like the hundredth time.

Closing your eyes, you concentrated really hard on getting yourself to the other side of the room. As long as you know where you're going, it can't go wrong. You were trying to control your breath and nerves. This would only distract you from reaching the goal. You focused on getting yourself to the other corner of the room. In your mind you saw a perfect image of it.

That's when it finally happened, somehow you managed to transport yourself from one corner of the room to the other! This only has to be a good sign. No more needles injecting chemicals into your body. The only question that was running through your mind is; what now? There has to be some reason as to why they made you into what you have become.

"Ah excellent work experiment number eight! This is excellent progress indeed." One of the doctors voices sounded from a speaker in the ceiling.

You thought it would be a good idea to practice your new ability while it was fresh in your mind. Time after time you could teleport around your cell at a much faster pace. Feeling empowered. It might just be baby steps for you and your new power. But you knew you were strong enough to take it to the next level. Maybe even use it to get out of here. Imagine giving you powers that you could easily use to escape. How foolish.

"Good number eight." The doctor praised you. Why would he do that? Did he really think you were doing this for his benefit?

Somehow you would get out of this hell. No doubt they would train you how to better your powers, push you to your limits. Which in turn would help you find a way out. Finally after a month of being trapped here, you have been given some hope. It all felt so surreal. You had powers now. That certainly will take getting used to.

"Don't call me number eight. My name is Shadow." You gave yourself a code name instead of being referred to as another number. It suited you well because when you would teleport it's like you disappear into the shadows, unseen and untouchable. Until you reappear from them.

"Very well, Shadow." he went along with it, since he was pleased with your progress. Seeing potential in you.

-A week later-

*Meanwhile at the new Avenger's facility*
Steve is briefing the rest of the team about the mission at hand. Word got out about another Hydra base, undergoing illegal human experimentation. Just when he thought they had seen the last of Hydra. It was frustrating because it feels like everything is going in an endless circle. Once he made sure everyone understood their role, he ordered them go suit up and meet him by the quinjet.

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