Chapter 3

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    Hey you guys!

OK, so after reading the previous chapter I decided that I wanted to take Clarisse out of my story all together... so I did. You don't really have to go back and read it, I just wanted to let you all know.

Chapter 3

            Marilee's tattered backpack shifted as she used a sturdy branch to climb over a fallen tree. The sun had risen in the sky since the beginning of her journey, its rays blocked by the coverage of the trees. The creatures of the forest recognized her heritage and didn't run when she passed, like she was one of them. A fawn attempted to follow her mother, its small, knobby legs knocking together as it tried to get the animal out of the bush it had gotten stuck in. Sensing her fawn's distress, the mother turned around and rescued the fawn from the creatures own doing. Marilee watched as the pair continued on into the sunlight before turning her back and walking in the other direction.

            The loneliness Marilee felt began in her core, working its way up to her heart, then traveled to the pit of her stomach. She shook it off, the lonely thought dying just as quick as a fruit fly.

A few hours later into the afternoon found Mari sitting in the cover of a few bushes and trees, the shadows cooling her. Here she reflected on her next move, as she nibbled on the leftovers from the day before. Her mind conjured up the possibilities, considering the limitations she had. She couldn't go anywhere near Camp Half-Blood; there were too many memories and scarring feelings. Civilization was difficult; she was out of her element, and not prepared for what society thought of her. The constant contact of other humans would also be a shock to her system. No, she was better off on her own in the wild, where she could predict the outcome. She would just have to continue wandering, like she had done for a very long time.

            With her plan decided, she leaned against a tree trunk and fell into a restless sleep.


Alex was having a difficult time fitting in with the other campers. Most were friendly enough, but each house felt different; wrong in a way that he could explain except for a feeling deep in the depths of his being. The Ares' cabin was too fierce; giving him chills from even stepping near the building. Hades' cabin was better, but still off in its cryptic architecture. Most of the buildings felt this way; Aphrodite was too prestige; Zeus was too overpowering; Apollo too comical, too light in nature. The only cabins that felt as if they held any connection were those of the water gods and goddesses.

            His over crowed stay at the Apollo cabin was on the border line of being uncomfortable. His usual charisma and charm, failing him as he walked amongst the sons and daughters of gods. He felt as though he were suffocating, and told as much to Chiron.

            "I'm sure you will be claimed soon, my boy. You just have to give it time." The old centaur was no help, in Alex's opinion, never giving him the answer he was looking for.

A few weeks passed, and Alex resembled a lonely hermit. Everyone had a companion, except for him. Most of the populous were already claimed, and could seek refuge in their kin. The ones like Alex who hadn't been claimed found refuge in themselves, practically shunning him. His only sanctuary became the training yard, his only companion, his sword. After only a few minutes, Alex became totally engrossed in his techniques, correcting himself when he knew the movement to be different.

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