Chapter 34: almost lover alone ally (part 4)

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Bellamy drove, and when he drove, he was speeding down the road, passing up cars like no other's business. He had no particular direction as to where he was headed. He just knew that he needed to find Clarke. Did her dad have her, the gang, or his unremembered father's enemies?

He had no clue, although if the gang had taken her, the would have snatched her off the street. The girl told him that Clarke got in the car with the man willingly. It must've been her father, but then again Clarke wasn't stupid. Clarke wouldn't have gotten in the car with her father, that was the whole reason why she stayed with him in the first place, to hide from her father.

That left one option, Jason, the man his father had taken half a million dollars from. It could make sense. Jason was smart, cunning. He was also an excellent liar, and Clarke was trusting, too trusting for her own good.

Bellamy could see Jason's face, he remembered it as clear as day. Jason was an animal, a complete monster.

"Cage. Cage, what happened?" Bellamy could remember his mother chasing his father down the hall. His father didn't respond, he only ran straight for the bathroom door, and swung it open.

"Cage! What did you do?" His mother grabbed his father's hands, getting a closer look at his bleeding knuckles just before he yanked his hands away. "What the hell did you do?!"

His father's once fancy, white, button up shirt had all sorts of rips in it, and small bloody marks on his fists, and sleeves of his shirt. His face was bloody and his eyes where somewhat bloodshot.

Cage turned on the sink and shoved his hands under the water, watching al the blood flood down the drain.

"C-cage." His mother's voice cracked as a tear escaped her eyes. "What did you do?"

"I did what I had to." He told her as the blood washed off his arms and fell into the sink, becoming pink with the water. "We need the money, Aura."

"Don't. Don't you call me that." She spit out, normally she loved his sweet nicknames, but in that moment she was so angry, too angry to the point that she didn't want to hear them.

"He had the only money. Jason gave it to-"

"You went to him," His mother appeared angry, conserved, and shocked all at the same time. "Why? Why did you have to go to him? You know what he'll do if-"

"What about Bellamy?! What about Octavia?! What about you, Aura?!" His father took a deep breath and it was pure silence as he tried to calm himself. "I'm only trying to do what's best for my family. If they find us, you know what they'll do. We need the money to get out of the state."

"But, Jason will hunt is down for the money." His mother told him. "You know goddamn well what will happen if he finds us."

"I'm just trying to get us away from this big mess-"

"Bullshit!" His mother cursed. "We wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't go out gambling every ten minutes!"

"I stopped with the gambling many mouths ago, and you know that."

"Well, you should have listened to me before. You should have stopped when it told you it was too much. Now look what you've done! You've dug a hole far too deep to climb out of."

Bellamy was snapped out of his flashback when his phone began to vibrate like crazy. Bellamy pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a strange thing on his screen.

Phone is-

He didn't even have enough to to finish reading the warning before his phone began looking like it was glitching out. His screen began to appear with green, purple, black, and white pixally and then the most disturbing thing appeared on his screen. It was Jason.

"Bellamy Blake. You have something I want, and I have something you need." Jason's voice was just like Bellamy remembered, all cold, dry, and hideous.

Jason moved out of the screen to reveal Clarke.

Bellamy's eyes went wide as he looked at the screen, completely mortified. "Clarke!" He yelled, even though he knew she couldn't hear him.


"Tell him, Clarke."

Clarke looked at him as she eyebrows fuzzled, she was even more confused then before. Nothing was making sense to her. What did she need to tell him?

Jason immediately slapped her right across the face. "Tell him, Clarke! Tell him that if he's not ready to make a trade, I'll kill you."

Clarke looked at him in terroir.

"Tell him that you need him, ask his if your worth saving!" He began to raise his voice, managing to scare her.

Clarke knew she couldn't do that, she wouldn't do that to Bellamy. She wouldn't hurt him like that. "Go to hell." She splat and Jason hit her harder across the face, causing tears to get her on her eyes. He went to hit her again. "No, stop! I'll tell him, I'll tell him!" Leslie looked over to the camera. "Bellamy, they have your sister, they have Octa-!"

Jason smacked her again, and made a fist, slamming it into her stomach, causing her to cry out in pain. He was gonna see to it that she regretted ever saying that.

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