Chapter 19: Too Weak

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Brandon's POV:
I feel like my body is getting ripped a part. The storm is to strong. The jem is too strong, I can't ....


"Brandon! Brandon!" I hear Leyla saying; she keeps getting louder and louder. "Brandon, Brandon!" Then I hear it clearly. I see her clearly, I'm back to real life.

"Cough cough." I cough. "Are you Ok?" She asks. She's removing her whip from my body, and picking my head up. I stare into her ocean blue eyes. "Brandon?" She asks. I realize I've been starring at her. "Oh sorry, yeah, I'm fine I- OW!" I say, trying to lean forward. "Relax, your going to fine, your body just needs to heal. I have healed you to the most of my ability. Your going to have to rest." She says sadly.

"What happened?" I ask her Dad. "You couldn't handle the power of your jem, so it started coming out of you forcefully. Somehow, you were able to control it at the last second. If not, you wouldn't be here now." He says. I look behind him to see Caleb, Anthony, and Olivia sitting on the bench.

Their dad signals they can come over. They all look different than what they normally would wear. I guess I was out when they all unlocked their full power.

"I'm so happy to know your alright." Olivia says. "Yeah, we thought you weren't going to wake up." Caleb says. "How long was I out?" I ask them. "3 hours." Anthony answers. "I was unconscious for that long?!"

"It's Ok Brandon, that happened to me to." Their dad says. "I remember having the full power of the new dual jem, it was too strong. It took me a whole day before I woke up." He says, eyes somewhere else.

I lean up, and wince. "You need to rest." Leyla said, putting her hand on my chest to make me sit down. "No I'm fine." I lie to her, which wasn't easy to say.

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