Chapter 11 (part 2)

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Bill POV

"Stupid demons! Don't you realize that fighting is futile!!! You'll never win!!!" Sapphire screamed with pure hatred.

My attention slowly was brought back to Sapphire. "Sapphire..... let's make a deal...."

"Huh?" Sapphire said.

"You take my powers, and in return, you leave my friends and the rest of Gravity Falls alone!"

"Bill!! Don't do it! You'll die!!" Ashlyn screamed.

I looked back at Ashlyn, tears were brimming in her eyes.

"It's a deal Cipher!" Sapphire said wickedly.

"Alright then, shake my hand." I said, my hand beginning to become engulfed by blue flames.

Sapphire grabbed my hand, and it too, became engulfed in the blue flame as my powers were transferred to her body.

It felt as if my life was being drained, and I slowly grew weaker and weaker.

"BILL!!" Ashlyn screamed.

I looked over to her again. Her eyes were bursting with tears, Zin and Creative were holding her back. Their eyes also brimming with sadness.

Obsidian stared blankly at the three demons, then to the two demons. She then looked at me and smiled.

I felt my hand drop, along with his body.

"The power...... IT'S MINE!!!!!" Sapphire screamed.

She then stopped, and her eyes began to show sheer terror. "What?" she cried as her body began to tremble.
Sapphire began to scream in agony, as her body was slowly torn apart.

"You re really stupid. Aren't you Sapphire?" I screamed at the demon. "Don't you remember? It's IMPOSSIBLE to take another demons power, even if they are waker than you. But how unfortunate for you, YOU TOOK THE POWERS OF ONE O THE MOST POWERFUL DEMONS TO HAVE EVER LIVED!!!!!"

"NO!! It can't be!!!" Sapphire screamed.

"Time for you to die... bitch!!!" Ashlyn screamed as she shot a fireball at Sapphire, ultimately killing her.

"Good riddance!!!" Amunet yelled.

My surroundings suddenly became blurry, and sounds became muffled.

"Bill... BILL ARE YOU OK?!?!" I heard someone scream.

"Don't worry, Ashlyn, Bill, as well as Dipper, will be all fine...." A very familiar voice said softly. And just like that, my whole world wheat black.

~ A/N ~

Heyo!! You guys are so fricken awesome!! I love you all so much!!!

Thanks for reading!!! And a huge thanks for the people who let me borrow their demon Ocs for these few chapters!!!!! You guys are awesome!!!!

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