The Demon Trinity (Short Side-Story)

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"C'mon Una, you're gonna be late for class!" Bill called.

"Oh, sorry, coming Bill!" Una called back, closing her book.

"Hey Una!!" a voice called.

"Oh hey, Shen!" Una said.

"Have you seen Tatania? I can't find her anywhere!" the blue haired girl asked.

"Shen, your hair is styled differently today, why is that?" Una asked.

Shen's eyes widened, "Oh nothing, just want to try something new, thats all."

"She did it again didn't she? Sapphire hurt you, show me Shen!" Una said.

Shen moved her hair back to normal, revealing an X shaped scar on her cheek. "Not again Shen, haven't you told the Master yet?"

"He won't do anything anyways, Sapphire is his favorite student.." Shen grumbled.

"C'mon Una!!!" Bill called.

"I'm sorry, Shen, I've got to go to class!" Una called.

~Time skip~

"Sapphire did it again?!" Tatania asked.

"Yes, and this time it's even worse." Una complained.

"Guys I'm fine, really." Shen said meekly.

"No you're not, Shen, she's hurt you too many times! It has to stop!" Tatania shouted.

"Will you guys be quiet!" Bill grumbled.

"Oh shut up you dreamon." Una smirked.

"What the heck is a 'Dreamon?'" Bill asked.

"A dream demon! I just came up with it!" Una squealed.

"Genius, now let me do homework.... Ugh! This is stupid, when will a gravity spell even come in handy?!?! This is stupid!!" The pint- sized dreamon shouted.

"C'mon Bill, chill out." Tatania said.

"Easy for you to say, you're and Ice- demon, you're always 'Chill'" Bill laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny!" Tatania said.

Everyone laughed.

"Oh, Shen, by the way, how's your fire magic going?" Bill asked.

"Oh it's going good!" Shen answered, nibbling on her sandwich.

"That's good!" Bill said. "Look at mine!" He said as he formed a fireball I. His hand.

"Not in the Cafeteria!!!" Tatania shreiked, an froze the flame.

"Huh- HEY NOT COOL BRO!!!" Bill complained.

"Serves you right!" Tatania smirked.

"Bill Cipher, to the office please, Bill Cipher to the office please." The intercom boomed.

"Oh no, what'd you do this time?!" Shen said.

"Dunno," Bill replied.

"Well you'd better get going!" Tatania said.

"Yeah, I guess so...." Bill said.

"Good luck trouble maker!" Una said.

And that's about when it all changed, a new student, Ashlyn, came to the Academy, and Bill spent time training her, even at the young age they were both at. Una, Shen and Tatania soon formed the Demon Trinity, a guild in which they kept evil in its place. Though that was alot of hard work. The tight bond between the to orphans, Bill Cipher, and Una Valiant, came to an end, but that might change, due to recent events.....

(Media from left to right)
Una Valiant, Tatania Iceflake, Shen Ruby.

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