Chapter 7

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*Bill Pov*

Pine Tree fell asleep, and I stared at him blankly, I love him, so much, but I will suffer severe punishment from him.

'You are a pathetic excuse for a dreamon, Bill Chiper' I heard a voice.

"No...." I whispered.

"Awww yes, it is me, Cipher!" a female voice chimed as my landscape turned grey.

"Sapphire! What are you doing here?" I asked showing no emotion.

Suddenly my body lurched to the ground and I couldn't move. "What the hell, Sapphire?!" I yelled.

"It's called a gravity spell, idiot, if you would have stayed in the academy, you'd know how to counter it!" The demon sneered.

"Face me in your true form, Sapphire, not that pathetic meat-sack!" I snapped.

"Hmmmm, how bout.... no!" she yelled as she laughed maniacally.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing..." The wicked dreamon said as she took a few paces towards Dipper.

"Don't lie to me, bitch!" I yelled.

"Me? Lie? Why, Cipher, you must have me confused with another dreamon, like... let's see... You." She snickered.

I flinched, but my attention drew back to Dipper.

Sapphire sat next to him and put her finger against his nose, then down to his lips, she continued downwards, and stopped at his chest.

I gridded my teeth together. "Stop it.." I whispered.

Sapphire continued and leaned downwards towards Dipper's face. She planted a soft kiss on Dipper's lips, and be woke up.

"Wh-what is going on?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. "Oh hi Bill...."

"Dipper... Are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be.." he replied.

"Listen, Cipher, I have a deal to make..." Sapphire said, smiling wickedly.

"No, no more deals, Sapphire!" I yelled, Dipper was fully awake now, but before he could say anything, Sapphire had him chained up.

"Awww, won't you at least let me tell you the deal?" She asked pouting.

"Fine." I said through gritted teeth.

"You, give me your powers, for this pathetic flesh-bag, or I take him and you will never see him again.." she said as she smiled wickedly.

I thought for a while. My powers, the only thing that kept me alive, for the most part, or the love of my life...

"Tick tock, Cipher, Tick Tock...." Sapphire said sneering.


Hello!! There's not much to say, other than thank you so much for reading!! luv ya all my wonderful readers!

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