Chapter 9

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Bill POV

I stared at Ashlyn refraining from throat punching her as she continued to explain what happened to Dipper.

"And now, we have to-"

I laughed harshly "We?! Who said I was letting YOU come with me. You're the one who it Sapphire to take him in the first place."

Ashlyn stared at me and sighed, "Cipher, I'm getting Dipper for Mabel's sake, not yours. If I knew the person was Dipper, I would have stopped Sapphire from taking him." She looked away, "Besides we are going to need more than two demons on this case." Ashlyn said as she gestured towards the door, "We need different types to help us."

My face started to grow red in anger but I controlled it. "Fine, but on one condition..." I growl.

"What?" Ashlyn asked.

"I get to put Sapphire through as much pain as she put me in, and more." I said my eyes glowing red.

Ashlyn's eyes grew wide. "Fine... Just... don't kill her."

I glared at Ashlyn.

"So we need more demons, and I know exactly who to pick." Ashlyn said grinning.

~Time skip, brought to you by Sapphire, aka THE BITCHIESTBITCHEVER~

I walked into the portal with Ashlyn by my side.

"Come on Cipher. Amunet is around here somewhere."

"Did you say my name?" A voice said.

"Come on out Amunet, it's me, Ashlyn!" She called.

"Oh, hello." The demon said.

"We need your help....." Ashlyn started.

~Yet another time skip~

"All right, I'm in!" Amunet exclaimed.

"Good." Ashlyn replied.

"Now to find Creative..." I said, trailing of my sentence.

~Time skip, time skip, so many fricken, time Skiiippppssss~

We entered yet another portal, as we entered Creative's dimension.

"Erm- CREATIVE!!!" Amunet called.

"Ugh, what do you all want?!" a female voice called.


"Holy King of Hell, is that you Chipher?!?" Creative yelled back.

"No it's the fucking pizza man Creative, he just magically found this portal and stumbled into here" I sarcastically replied.

"You'd be surprised with how often that happens...." The demon commented.

"Oh just shut up you two!" Amunet and Ashlyn spat in unison.

"Creative, we need your help..." I started.

~fucking time skips, because I don't want this chapter to be longer that it already is...~

We were back in Gravity Falls looking for a specific demon, Zin.

"Good King of Hell, why Zin, out of all demons, Ashlyn, you had to choose Zin?!" Amunet complained.

"Who the Hell is insulting my name?!" a voice called.

"Come on Zin, you ass hat." Ashlyn called.

"Oh shut your trap!" Zin snapped.

"Can you help us Zin?" Creative asked.

Zin floated down and stared at all of us, expecting someone to explain.

"Oh for the love!!" I exclaimed. "Who gives a fuck what your helping us with, either your in or out, so make up your FUCKING MIND!!!" I screamed the last part.

"Fine, fuckface, I'm in." Zin spat.

~One last time skip.... I hope~

We entered Obsidian's portal and she was waiting for us.

"I know, let's go!" she said calmly.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I can feel a broken heart coming from you Cipher, don't forget, I am a lust demon after all, now as I said before, LET'S GO!!"


FINALLY DONE MUTHAFU***** next chapters gonna be amazing!!! Thank you for reading, vote, and comment!!! Love you guys!!!

Dancing In The Dreamscape (BillDip)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें