Chapter 2

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Bill's POV

I stared at Pine Tree who was watching t.v. 'Damn he's cute!' WAIT WHAT!!?? No I can't like Pine Tree, what is happening to me!!?? For my plan to succeed I must have one belief, that Pine Tree is just a pawn in my big plan... just a pawn....

*Dippers POV*
I sat there watching tv and I felt eyes boring into the back of my head, I turned around to see Bill with a odd expression on his face. 'What is going on in that Doritos mind??"

I turned of the tv and walked over to Bill. I stared at him and all he did was stare back. "Yo? Bill? You there?" I asked, he didn't reply. I flicked his forehead, still no reply. I punched him in the arm, and that's when he reacted.

"Pain is hilarious." he whispered. Uh oh.

Bill turned to me, and he brought his face closer to mine, I blushed a crimson red. His hand came up and rested on my face. "Bill... what are you doing???" I asked shakily.

His mouth came up to my ear and he whispered "This Pine Tree." and he pinched my cheek, hard.

"Owowowowowowwowowowowowowowowowowwwwwwwwww!!" I yelled.

Bill let go and started laughing hysterically. and surprisingly, so did I.

"What are you two laughing about." a voice called.

"Oh, hi Mabel!" Bill said.

Mabel narrowed her eyes at Bill.

"Oh c'mon Mabel lighten up, we're just having fun."

"Yeah, sure, "fugumshoe said and walked if her brown hair swishing I as she left.

"Whoah, what's her problem." Bill asked.

"My problem is you!!" Mabel yelled.

'Harsh,' I thought to myself.

Bill looked upset.

"In don't have a problem with you Bill." I said sympathetically.

Bill lied down, "Thanks Pine Tree." he said.

I hope you liked this chapter!! But I gotta go update WoN ;3 BYEEEEEEE!!!!!

Dancing In The Dreamscape (BillDip)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz