He said raising his eyebrows. The brunette and the guy, still silent, watching our every word.

For the first time since I met him, his voice held honesty. Like he actually wants this friendship and not just fooling around.

I thought of it a bit, if anything that's dangerous in high schools, which one should be afraid of,
are ''fan-girls''. I gulped, imagining the sight of me being cornered by a bunch of mean girls. Nopes. This isn't how I want my senior year.

"Okay. Let's start afresh then, shall we??" I asked him.

"Yes ma'm. I'm Spencer. Spencer king. Friends call me Spence. Nice to meet you.
May I now have the pleasure of knowing your name milady??"
He held out his hands as he said that.

He really did have the knack of making me blush. Cheesy, annoying but kind of grows on one.

"Fiona Lawrence. Nice to meet you too Spence." I took his hands in mine, shaking it a bit.

He gingerly held them and gently pecked, before starting again, "See you around Fiona. Expect me a lot. For now, you can enjoy the quality time with your friends. " he winked again, as he left.

Friends?? What is he talking about? I was wondering myself as I heard the brunette speaking.

"Well, we don't mind you know. Besides, you are a cool person, and by the way, I'm Serena Jones. Wanna hangout? " she smiled at me.

As if it was infectious, a smile crept up to my face as well.

"Yeah. Yeah of course. But are you sure, this isn't another prank?" I asked, mocking her and playing around a bit. She didn't seem to mind.

It was a weird way of asking someone to be friends, I liked her still. Have no idea why though.

"Well find it out yourself was her reply."

"Someone's leaving me out. Its not technically possible to not notice a sexy quarter back you know. I'm Zach by the way, Zachery Anderson. " he introduced himself.

"What's with boys and their cockiness these days!!" I just shrugged muttering to myself as they pulled me to a bone crushing trio hug.

"Welcome to the group Fio", they said together.

I was beyond happy. I had just made friends!! I can't express the excited, anxious, gut feeling, that was stirring in my stomach, it was new to me, well you got the point right?

"Don't worry Fio, you are with us now. Dex can be scary sometimes but I'm sure he won't hurt you. We've got your back anyways. What say Zach?" Serena asked

"Yeap. Totally. But for that, I need energy. Haven't you two, studied in kindergarten that food is the source of energy...? My legs are dragging themselves towards the cafeteria, as if they have got brains of their own. Wanna join ?" He asked pulling our hands, like a teacher talking to kids.

"Boys will be boys. Always thinking about food" Serena sighed.

"Or girls " I added, winking at her.

Soon we got dragged into Westwood's cafeteria, "The Nutrihouse".

Oh my god, seriously!? Who names the school cafeteria, The Nutrihouse.... ? I looked at Serena wondering.

"C'mon, don't gimme that look, its just the name, but you get the best food here" she explained.

"Whatever" I murmured to myself as I took a proper look at the view around.

Serena had told me that the cafeteria was run by an ex army cook.

And so, the lion fell in love with the lamb..Where stories live. Discover now