Chapter Thirteen

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Her body was positioned carefully in the coffin. Elijah had brought it up from somewhere beneath the house. Isabella could not help but wondering why there was a coffin on standby in the first place.

Niklaus was no where to be seen. Isabella assumed he was off drowning his sorrows at one of the local pups. It was something she didn't much care to witness so she had chosen to remain.

She stared down at her body. Hayley had changed her from her bloody and ripped clothing into a stark white dress. The wound on her chest had nearly healed. According to Arabella, the would would never completely heal so long as she was still suffering from the effects of the dagger.

Arabella also seemed surprised her body was even still thriving. Niklaus and Elijah both had been giving her regular doses of vampire blood through an IV. Arabella was quite shocked that Isabella was associated with three of the original vampires. She surmised it was only because of their blood that her heart still beat.

It felt odd, staring down at her own lifeless body. A tear slid down her cheek. It had been weeks since she'd been daggered. She longed to be back in the world of the living. Elijah and Rebekah were doing their best to find a cure. Hayley and Cami were off bonding together or something. Niklaus was the only one too crippled by grief to do much of anything. Isabella found it too taxing to watch him drink his way through the tourists that made the mistake of entering the French quarter.

She was alone. Arabella popped in from time to time. She was busy with finding a cure as well. Isabella filled the void by trying to interact as she had done that first night. So far, she had been unsuccessful.

"Isabella."The familiar voice sent goosebumps flashing over her skin. She whirled, facing her father. His face was set in a grim expression.

"I've filled your father in on what happened." Arabella explained, appearing behind Kieran, "Apparently, he knows all about the dagger Marianna used against you."

Isabella felt a faint flicker of hope for the first time, "Is there a way back?"

He let a sigh, "that dagger is an extremely powerful instrument. It was created during the Salem witch trials by a witch who sought to gather as many souls as she could in at attempt to become immortal." His eyes slide past her towards the dagger, "The dagger is supposed to ensnare the soul within the blade so the magic can still be harnessed."

"Wait, supposed to?" Isabella felt confused.

"The dagger needs to be activated by a spell. Its possible Marianna did not realize this when she obtained the dagger."

"Is there a cure?"

Kieran considered her question, eyes trailing to the blood bag and IV attached to her arm, "There is a spell that can break the bond between you and the dagger but..." He trailed off.

"But what? Surely there can be nothing worse than this?"

He locked eyes with her, taking in a deep and shaky breath, "You've had massive amounts of vampire blood pumped into your system. I'm not sure if you would be yourself if you were to awake."

Her body froze. A vampire. He was saying she could quite possibly wake up a vampire...or a hybrid. She was a werewolf after all. She tossed a quick glance over her shoulder.

"Its a chance I'm willing to take."

* * *

She was inside Hayley's mind. Hayley was dreaming of Elijah which was not surprising.. The two were being intimate. Her heart ached as her thoughts turned unwillingly back to Niklaus. She shook her head, pushing the thoughts aside. Arabella had told her to stay focused.

"Hayley." She spoke, her voice barely a whisper. Hayley leapt from Elijah's arms. He quickly dissipated. Her mouth dropped at the sight of her.

"Isabella? Is that really you?" A tear splashed down her face.

"Its me," she took a step toward, "I haven't much time. There is a cure. Father Kieran has a journal that dictates exactly what needs to be done in order to bring me back. He say to ask Cami. She'll know where it is."

"We will get you back."

Isabella smiled faintly, "Oh, one more thing. Tell Niklaus all is forgiven."

Hayley opened her mouth to speak but it was too late. Isabella was pulled from the dream. Hayley jerked into a sitting position, sweat dripping down her face. She looked around, a confused expression on her face.

Isabella could not help but wonder if Hayley even remembered the dream. It her experience, it was a common occurrence for dreams to be forgotten upon waking up. Those thoughts were banished as she flung herself from the bed.

"Elijah!" She called, throwing on a robe and quickly exiting the room.

Isabella started to follow her when something stopped her. Something was wrong. The hair on her arms stood up and she felt a prickling sensation at the back of her neck.

"She's here." Isabella gasped.

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