Chapter Three

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The pair walked down the now deserted pavements of Bourbon Street. It was late and most of the tourists had retired to their hotels. Isabella had expected Hayley to abandon her hours ago. Much to her surprise, Hayley had yet to show even the faintest hint of wanting to part ways.

Isabella turned her head slightly, glancing at her companion briefly. It was odd how quickly the two had bonded. Although the pair had never met before that night, Isabella felt very comfortable around Hayley. Despite the near instant friendship, Isabella had refrained from discussing much of her past. Hayley, surprisingly, had been more forthcoming about her own history. Apparently, she had been abandoned as an infant and kicked out of her foster home at an early age. She'd seemed uncomfortable with discussing the exact reason and Isabella had not pushed the issue.

“Do you need place to stay?” Hayley's voice pulled her back into their current conversation.

Isabella's attention had drifted and was uncertain on how to respond. Hayley must have sensed because she laughed, slowly coming to a stop.

''I asked if you had a place a stay?'' She repeated, pulling a cellphone from her pocket.

Isabella considered being dishonest and saying she did have a place for the night. ''No, unfortunately, I do not.'' She said, deciding against lying to her first friend in New Orleans.

Hayley nodded her head in understanding, pushing some buttons on her phone and bringing it to her ear. “Hold on a sec.” She drifted away as the person on the other end picked up.

Isabella sighed, turning away. She hadn't even considered where she would be staying that night. No doubt, the hotels and motels in the area were full. Besides, she only had enough money for one, maybe two nights. Where would she stay after that?

I warned you!

Isabella froze. The street was deserted.

Now you must pay!

An odd sensation flickered in the back of her mind. She knew that voice. Surely it was impossible. Marianna would not have followed her to New Orleans. Would she?

Her feet began to move, directing her towards the paved road. Isabella tried to scream, tried to stop, but her body disobeyed her. It dawned on her what was happening. A spell had been cast on her.

Once she reached the middle of the road, she stopped and turned. A bright flash of light blinded her. The sound of screeching tires reached her ears. She knew what was coming. Her body tensed, preparing for the inevitable collision. She heard Hayley screaming her name. Screaming for her to move.

Isabella let out a gasp as she felt herself being lifted from the concrete. The force was strong though it did not hurt., not until her head bounced off the pavement. Pain flooded her body, stars danced beneath her eyelids. She felt someone touching her, rolling her onto her back.

“What did you do?!” She heard Hayley scream.

“I saved your little play thing from a gruesome death and this is the thanks I get?” A male voice spat back, clearly displeased.

Isabella felt her limp body being lifted. Her savior was warm, noticeably warm. Or, perhaps that was simply her muddled mind playing tricks on her... She shivered as a sudden chill swept through her body. The person carrying her must have sensed it because they pulled her tighter against their chest. She floated into darkness, a deep, soft chuckle still ringing in her ears.

* * *

Sun light filtered into the room, casting a harsh glare over Isabella's pale face. Her eyes opened slowly, blinking against the bright rays of light. She sat up slowly, a dull throb pulsating against her right temple. She looked about the room in confusion. Her eyebrows pulled together in a look of concentration as she tried to piece together the previous nights events.

“Oh goody, you're awake.”

Isabella's head snapped around as someone entered the room. A blond woman leaned against the door, bright blue eyes appraising her with a disinterested gaze.

“Maybe now we can get some peace around here.” She commented, pushing away from the door.

As she approached the bed, Isabella's eyes widened in fear as a famillar sensation washed over her. The blond was... A vampire. Scrambling across the other side of the bed, Isabella attempted to flee. Her efforts were thwarted as the blond suddenly appeared behind her. Before Isabella could react, she found herself being thrown up against the wall, the blond's hand firmly around her neck.

“I could snap your neck in two seconds.”

“Where... Is... Hayley?” Isabella gasped, digging her own nails into the hand around her throat. “What... Did you... Do... To her?!”

“Hayley is the only reason you are still breathing!” The woman growled, her eyes growing dark. As if to further prove her point, her grip tightened.

Isabella couldn't breathe. She fought uselessly against the vampire's death-like grip. Her head began to swim, her brain being deprived of oxygen.

“Rebecca, that is no way to treat our guest.”

Suddenly she found herself able to breathe again. The blond turned and Isabella was able to see the man standing in the doorway. A look of disapproval painted his face as he slowly crossed the room.

“Elijah, she was being difficult,” the vampire called Rebecca argued.

Isabella's eyes drifted towards the open bathroom door. She briefly considered making a run for it. Rebecca placed herself between Isabella and her only chance for escape. “Don't even try it.” She growled.

“Rebecca,” Elijah sighed, his voice laced with warning.

“Fine, you deal with her.” She hissed in response, shouldering past Elijah.

Once she was gone, Elijah turned his full attention back towards Isabella. He regarded her for a brief second before taking a step towards her. Isabella stepped back, wanting nothing more than to put some distance between them.

“You must forgive my sister. She has a... bit of a temper.”

“Why am I here?”

“My brother, Niklaus, brought you here at Hayley's instance.” Elijah responded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“Hayley is... Here?” Isabella asking in confusion.

Elijah nodded. “She is waiting downstairs.” He motioned towards the door. “The two of you have much to discuss.”

Isabella bit down on her bottom lip. Part of her wanted to believe what the vampire was telling her. Another part of her wished for another attempt to flee. She gazed up at Elijah's brooding eyes and, despite her better judgement, she chose to trust him. After all, what could he possible gain from deceiving her?

He held out his hand and without a word she took it, praying she wasn't being led to her doom.

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