Chapter Fourteen

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"It's true then," Marianna's eyes swept over them, "Little Isabella has been consorting with The Original family," her lips curled into a sneer.

"If you know who we are, then you know foolish it was for you to enter our home." Elijah replied, one arm stretched out in front of Hayley in order to keep her at bay.

Marianna laughed, "Foolish? Perhaps. But I had to see if the rumors were true," her eyes fell on Hayley, "and I see that they are. They hybrid has managed to impregnant a werewolf." She took a step towards Hayley, a malicious smile passing across her face, "Tell me, how does it feel to be the hybrids little whore?"

Hayley's face flushed in anger. "You will mind your tongue, witch..." A low menacing voice spoke from the door.

"Ah, Niklaus. You're home."

The door slammed hard as Niklaus entered the house. He glared at Marianna, murder gleaming in his eyes. She turned to face him, seemingly pleased by his sudden arrival.

"Good, you have arrived. Now, we can get down to business."

"And what business would that be?" Nikolaus growled, "What stops me from simply killing you?"

"Its simple really, you have something I want and I have something you want."

"The only thing I want from your life." Niklaus sped towards her with the intention of crushing the life from her. Instead, he passed right through her. He stopped, a look of confusion crossing his face as he turned to face her.

"Did you honestly think it would be that easy?" She chuckled, folding her arms, "As Elijah stated earlier, coming here in person would have been a foolish idea."

"We'll never give her to you!" Hayley spat.

Marianna lifted an eyebrow, "is that a fact?" She turned to Niklaus, "it would be a shame if something were to happen to your little blond friend. What was her name again? Oh, right. Camille."

The room went dead silent.

"If you so much as lay a finger on her..." Niklaus began.

"You'll do what?" Marianna snapped, "You couldn't save Isabella from my wrath. What makes you think Camille will fair any better?" She brushed a strand of hair from her face, "its a fair trade. Isabella is beyond help. You can still save Camille.

Niklaus hands clenched, "Get out..." He said through gritted teeth.

Marianna sighed, "You need time to decide. Fine. Just don't take too long." Her form dissipated.

"What now, brother?" Rebekah asked, speaking for the first time. Niklaus was strangely silent.

Isabella couldn't breathe. Cami was family. She would never be able to forgive herself if anything were to happen to her. A single tear fell down her cheek as the Mikaelson family drifted into another part of the house.

"You cannot help her, Isabella." Arabella appeared from the darkness.

"Is Cami really in Marianna's possession?" Isabella asked, her voice shaking.

"I'm afraid so." There was a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I refuse to lose another member of my family." Isabella turned to face Arabella, "There must be something that can be done."

Arabella shook her head, "Not from this side, I'm afraid." She nodded towards the other room, "they will have to find a way."

"She lies..." A distance sounding voice hissed.

Isabella glanced around, heart racing, "who's there?"

"She lies..." The one voice turned into many.

Isabella turned her questioning eyes back to Arabella She opened her mouth to speak but a searing pain shot through her skull. She collapsed to her knees. Tears soaking her cheeks, she clutched her head.

"As Marianna said, we are family." One hand out stretched, Arabella approached her, "And nothing overcomes the bond of family."

"'ve been helping her?" Isabella accused.

She smiled sadly, "I am afraid so. She has promised to resurrect me in a human body." She let out a heavy sigh, "but in order for that to happen, you must not be allowed to return to your human body."

She lifted her hand. Isabella clenched her eyes shut. The screaming started.

* * *

Isabella felt as if she were floating. She heard a soft voice chanting in a language she did not understand. Her eyes fluttered open. She was surrounded by nothing but darkness. She tried to move but her limbs remained frozen.

"You are awake," a familiar voice spoke from the darkness. Someone was standing beside her. She could feel them, "Tell me, child. What do you remember?"

Isabella felt a tear slip out the corner of her eye, "Arabella... She betrayed me." Isabella struggled to turn her head, "why can't I move?"

"Arabella cast an immobilization spell. I can undo it for you, if you like." Isabella felt the voice move closer, "but be warned, you will not like what you see."

"What's happened?" Isabella insisted, "I demand you show me this instant." Suddenly, Isabella felt her body begin to grow heavy. She wiggled her fingers and let out a sigh of relief.

She pulled herself into a sitting position, eyes scanning the void. She saw no one. Standing slowly, a look of confusion passed across her face.

"Turn around." The voice ordered.

Isabella obliged, turning slowly. Her heart dropped, mouth falling open in shock. She clasped her hands over her mouth, muffling a scream. Her mind struggled to comprehend the scene before her.

"I warned you." The voice spoke again. A figure emerged. It was an older woman, someone Isabella did not recognize. The woman brushed a lock of blood soaked hair from her body, "Such a waste."

"What...what happened?" Isabella managed between choking sobs.

"Arabella sent them a message masquerading as you. They were all lured from the house...all except the little wolf." The older woman sighed, "it was easy enough for another of Marianna's minions to slip in and dispose of you."

Isabella's chest constricted, "I'm...I'm dead." The words seemed hollow.

"I'm afraid so, child."

"And Hayley?"

"The wolf and bartender live...for now." A look of sympathy passed across her face, "They are all being held captive in Marcel Gerards compound."

"And Niklaus? Rebekah? Elijah?"

The mystery woman considered her question for a moment, "Elijah and Rebekah have been daggered. Niklaus has been weakened by a very powerful spell."

" they know?" Isabella motioned towards her bloody corpse.

"They do. Hayley has told them." She gazed at Isabella, "Niklaus was quite upset."

Isabella's heart ached as she imagined the pain her beloved must be feeling. And there was nothing that could be done.

"It's over then. I am dead and now, there is no way back."

"I can resurrect you."

Isabella whirled, "You can?"

The woman nodded, "But I will need something from you in return."

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