Chapter Nine

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Isabella's eyes opened slowly. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she sat up slowly. Niklaus was no where to be seen. There was, however, a rather large plate of food laid out on a silver platter only a few feet away from her. She spied a folded piece of paper and smiled.

Clutching the sheet to her chest, she climbed out of the bed. She wrapped the rest of the sheet around her backside before approaching the platter of food. She gently picked up the paper, unfolding it slowly. It was from Niklaus.

My Dearest Isabella,

My deepest apologizes for my absence. There are urgent matters in the Quarter that require my immediate attention. If you would be so kind as to dress yourself, I will return shortly. You and I have some unfinished business of our own which will be attended to upon my return.

PS, please do enjoy the delicious array of food that I have provided to you.

She smiled, plucking a piece of bacon from the tray and shoving it into her mouth. Turning from the food, she went to the closet. Hopefully, there was something decent in there that she could wear.


Isabella whirled, surprised that someone was in the room. She sighed in relied when she saw Hayley standing inside the room. She grasped some clothes in her hands. "Guess I don't need to ask how your night went."

Isabella's cheeks reddened. Hayley chuckled and set the clothes on the bed. "Klaus had me fetch these this morning. I guess he didn't want to wake you." He glanced at her sheet wrapped body, "How was it?"

Her blush deepened, "That's private." She muttered.

"We're friends. This is what friends talk about," she said, rolling her eyes, "So, I'll ask again. How was it?"

"It was...nice."

"Nice? Well, now I am offended," Niklaus appeared in the doorway, arms crossed, and a amused expression on his face.

"Klaus, you're back already," Hayley remarked.

Niklaus nodded his head, "My business was concluded rather quickly." He motioned towards the door, "if you don't mind, I would like a word with Izzy in private."

Hayley lifted her eyebrow, "since when did you start calling her Izzy?"

Niklaus simply stared at her, offering no response. Hayley seemingly got the hint. Throwing Isabella a giddy smile, she disappeared from the room. Niklaus then turned his attention onto her?

"Sleep well?" he inquired, light blue eyes filling with intensity.

She nodded, "I did."

He approached her slowly, a determined look on his face. She bit down on her bottom lip as he slowly unwound the sheet from her body. It dropped the floor. He gazed at her, lust filling his eyes.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are right now." He pulled her against him, hands gripping her bum as he captured her lips in a rather passionate kiss. His tongue forced its way into her mouth. She moaned into the kiss, opening her mouth to allow him access.

He pulled away slowly, "as much as I would love to continue this, we have other important matters to attend to," he nodded towards the pile of clothing on the bed, "Best get dressed, love. We have a long day ahead of us."

* * *

The church was massive. Isabella stared up at it in wonder as the entered. Strangely enough, the church was also in a rather decrepit state. A vast majority of the paint was chipped away both inside and out. The walls were covered in a thin layer of dust.

They slowly made their way up the narrow aisle, towards the altar where a priest stood. His back was turned to them but he sensed their presence none the less.

"Klaus, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Father Kieran, I find myself in need of your services."

He chuckling, "I assume you did not come here for confession?" He turned slowly. He looked...haggard. His face was worn, his eyes tired.

His face shifted from amused annoyance to a look of fear and sorrow, " can't be here. You're dead!" He pointed his finger accusingly at Niklaus, "What trickery is this?"

"I take it the two of you are acquainted?" Niklaus's voice also held an accusatory tone as he turned to his gaze upon her.

"I've never seen this man before in my life!" Isabella denied.

Niklaus seemed to believe her, slowly turning his gaze back to father kieran. "How is it you think you know this woman?"

Father Kieran took a shaky step towards them, gaze narrowing for a brief moment before he let out a shaky smile, "My apologies. It seems as if I have mistaken you for someone else." Eve as he said these words, isabella could seen the doubt written across his face.

Isabella was confused, "Who did you think I was?" She questioned, determined to hear the truth.

"A woman I once knew," his voice was full of longing.

Her throat went dry, "Was her name Arabella?"

His brow wrinkled in confusion, "How do you know that name?"

"She was...was my mother."

He laughed, "I find that hard to believe."


"Because," he turned back to the altar, "Arabella was a vampire."

Isabella's chest constricted, "that's not possible."

"Arabella murdered my love and stole something very precious to me," he murmured, staring at her with a sad expression.

"What did she steal?" Niklaus interrupted, laying a hand on her shoulder.

"Our daughter."

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