Chapter Eleven

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The weeks passed quickly. Isabella was unable to step foot of the house per Niklaus' orders. She was not exactly thrilled about being under house arrest but she submitted anyway. It was better that being dead.

Father Kieran and Cami visited frequently. If she was the jealous type, Isabella might been suspicious about the enormous amount of time he and Cami spent locked in his office. Niklaus explained that she was helping him with his autobiography. Isabella trusted him.

Besides, her time was mostly consumed by conversations with Father Kieran about her mother. It seemed to pain the older gentleman but he answered her questions nonetheless. Hayley would often join in on their talk sessions simply to learn more about the family she had never known.

Then, one day, the visits stopped. Both Cami and Father Kieran just simply stopping visiting. Isabella grew increasingly worried. Something was wrong. She would catch Niklaus and Elijah having hushed conversations that would stop once her presence was noticed.

One day, she'd had enough. She barged into Niklaus' study, making sure to slam the door behind her in a dramatic flare. "You're keeping secrets from me."

He barely glanced away from his painting, "I don't know what you are talking about, love."

"Stop lying to me!" She ordered, slamming her palm on the hard desk, "Something is going on with Kieran and I demand to know what it is."

Niklaus laid the brush down, sighing, "He's dead." He stated bluntly, "Well, technically speaking, a vampire. But he will be dead soon enough as he refuses to feed."

Her face drained of color, "What? How?"

"Cami told you of her brother?" Isabella nodded, "The same curse was inflicted upon your father. So, I turned him into a vampire...for yours and Cami's sake."

"I demand to see him."

Niklaus walked over to the desk, pouring himself a shot glass of whiskey. He does not answer her. He simply stared out the glass window, a blank expression on his face.

"Niklaus, did you hear me? I demand to see my father."


Isabella took a step back, shocked by his reply, "No? What do you mean, no?"

He turned towards her, "I mean exactly what I said, no. It is too dangerous. I won't risk your safety."

"That is not your choice to make!" Isabella snapped, turning on her heels. She made a beeline towards the front door.

Her hand wrapped around the knob and she began opening the door. Niklaus' appeared, his eyes full of remorse. "I cannot allow you to leave this house." His voice was a soft whisper.

"You cannot keep me here!" A tear fell down her cheeks.

He wiped it away with a single finger, "I'm afraid you are quite mistaken about that." He leaned in, his lips touching hers briefly.

Suddenly, they were no longer standing by the front door. They were in her bedroom. "Niklaus..." Her voice cracked, "Pease, he is my father. I cannot lose him."

Niklaus closed his eyes for a brief second, jaw tensing. "You have my answer." He stared deeply in her eyes, "You will under no circumstance leave this room," his pupils seemed to dilate

Her heart dropped even as she heard herself echo his words. He had compelled her. Tears poured down her cheeks as her body unwilling sat on the bed.

"Perhaps one day you will forgive me for this." Niklaus sighed. He knelt down, planting a small kiss on her cheek and then left her in complete sorrow.

* * *

"He really is sorry, you know." Hayley offered, setting the platter down on the end table. "You should at least hear him out."

"I don't want to hear his excuses," Isabella snapped, "my father is dead and he robbed me of my chance to say goodbye."

The night Niklaus compelled her, he had received an urgent call from Cami. He had rushed to her aid immediately. Kieran had fed on Cami and nearly ended her life. Niklaus, the man she had though she could love, had driven a stake through her father's heart.

The loss tore through her soul like nothing she had ever felt before. Even the loss of her mother had affected her to such a degree. And what made it worse was the fact that she was still compelled to remain where she was. Niklaus had refused to lift the compulsion, even after much begging from both his siblings and Hayley.

"Kieran was going to kill Cami. He wasn't well."

"I said I don't want to hear it!" She screamed, flinging the tray across the room, "Just get out!"

Hayley hesitated a moment, a look of hurt flashing momentarily across her face. She picked up the tray and quickly made her exit. Isabella knew she should not be taking out her anger on Hayley. She was only trying to help after all.

"Izzy..." His voice was soft, almost begging for forgiveness. She turned slowly, gazing into his sorrowful eyes. One part of her desperately wanted to forgive him, the other part still fumed with anger at his betrayal.

He approached her slowly, his movement deliberate. He touched her face, caressing her jaw. She wanted to push him away, scream at him as she had Hayley only moments earlier. "I release you." He sighed, stepping back, "You are free to leave if that is what you so desire."

"Thank you, Niklaus." Isabella sighed, feeling the weight of the compulsion lifting. She grabbed the phone Niklaus had given her and quickly dialed the one person in New Orleans she felt you could trust, "Cami? This is Isabella. I wonder if you might like some company for the next few days," She avoided Niklaus' gaze, "Yes, he finally lifted the compulsion. Okay, I'll see you in a bit." She hung up the phone and turned to Niklaus.

"So you will be leaving us then?" He nodded, concealing his emotions, ""Hayley will be disappointed."

"Niklaus, I cannot forgive you for what you did," She caressed his face, smiling sadly, "not yet, at least. I need space and time. If you truly care for me, you will abide my wishes."

He grabbed her hand, planting a kiss on her palm, "I would give you an eternity if that's what you asked." And with those words, she departed the Mickaelson house.

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