Chapter Eight

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The party was in full swing. Isabella had expected the event to be as large as it was. Nor did she expect so many people to attend. It was all so overwhelming. Rebekah and Hayley had entered the building at her side and, for a few hours at least, they had remained together. Now, both girls had abandoned her in order to seek out dance partners.

Elijah had partnered with Hayley, which was no surprise, and Rebekah had decided to dance with Marcel. Isabella watched on with fascination. She'd never danced before, the Coven Elders had never allowed it. The other girls always gushed about how fun dancing had been. It was just another experience that she had been denied.

She suddenly became aware of someone standing next to her. "Enjoying the festivities?" Niklaus inquired, peering over at her.

She managed a weak smile, nodding, "I am, actually," she tilted her head, surveying the scene before her.

"Then why are you standing over here like a little wall flower instead of dancing?"

She took a deep breath, turning to face him, "Maybe because I'm waiting on the right man to ask me to dance."

Niklaus smirked at her response, offering her his hand, "May I have this dance?"

She returned his smile, laying her hand in his, "You may."

Niklaus led her out to the dance floor as the next song began to play. As his hand touched her hip, the whole room seemed to disappear. Niklaus was an excellent dancer. He masterfully twirled her across the hard floor. She let him take the lead.

They danced for what seemed like forever. Finally, Niklaus slowed them to a halt. "You look as if you could use some fresh air."

Isabella allowed herself to be led upstairs and onto a balcony. A cool breeze swept across her bare skin, causing her to shiver. Like a perfect gentleman, Niklaus removed his jacket and laid it over her shoulders. No words were spoken. The silence was nice.

"Niklaus, may I ask you something?" Isabella asked, venturing carefully. He nodded, "earlier, after your gift...why did you..." She blushed, trying to get the words out.

"You mean, why did I do this?" He closed the distance between them, backing her up until she hit the concrete wall. His hands gripped her shoulders as his lips came into contact once more with her skin. Her teeth clamped down on her bottom lip, biting back a moan.

She couldn't fight it anymore. The heat between them was too much. Only vaguely aware of her actions, her hands lifted. One rested on his shoulder, the other wrapped around his neck. As his kisses trailed to the other side, she let out a soft moan, unable to hold it back this time.

He pulled back suddenly, their eyes meeting. She opened her mouth to speak, to urge him to continue but her words were cut off as his warms lips came crashing down upon hers. He pulled her tighter against him, an arm snaking around her waist.

She felt something in her break. Her resolve melted away and she felt herself returning his passionate kiss. He let out a soft growl, deepening the kiss more than she thought possible. Her heart raced, the whole room felt as if was spinning.

Suddenly, Niklaus pulled away. Just as he did, Elijah once again appeared. Isabella mentally cursed his name. Why must he always interrupt? Elijah stared at her, silently appraising her disheveled appearance and kiss swollen lips. He pursed his lips but apparently chose not to comment. Instead, he turned towards his brother.

"Marcel is asking for you."

If looks could kill, Isabella had no doubt that Elijah would've been a smoldering pile of ash. Niklaus turned back to Isabella, "I apologize for this inconvenience."

Isabella nodded, "Its fine. Duty calls. I understand." And she did understand that there were things that would draw his attention from her and although it was slightly annoying, it was expected. 

If Elijah hadn't been standing there, Niklaus might have kissed her farewell but instead, he simply turned and disappeared. Elijah studied her for a moment. He seemed amused by the whole situation.

"A word of warning, Niklaus can be quite dangerous...especially if he feels a betrayal has been made."

"I would never betray Niklaus," isabella stated, feeling a bit offended that Elija would even think her capable of such a thing.

"Seem that you don't," and with those final words, he was gone as well. Isabella leaned against the railing once more, a smile creeping across her face. It was quite evident now that Niklaus returned her strong feelings. There was only one question now...what would happen next?

* * *

It was late. So late that Hayley and herself had chosen to remain in the very building where, not too long ago, a party had raged. Hayley referred to it as "the compound." It was an odd name but it was fitting. Isabella stood before an older looking mirror, attempting to disengage the zipper that held her dress in place. The blasted thing was stuck.

Isabella sighed in frustration and sat down on the bed. What on earth was she going to do now? She'd seen Hayley enter a bedroom just down the hall but she hadn't been alone. She'd seen Elijah enter that same room only moments later.

"Still dressed I see." A familiar voice spoke, sending shivers down her spine. Isabella stood. She was barely to her feet when Niklaus slammed the door. In seconds, he was upon her. His mouth claimed hers, arms encircling her waist.

"Since we were so rudely interrupted earlier..." He whispered as they broke apart.

Isabella couldn't help but laugh, "Since you are here, perhaps you could help me out of this dress?"

His eyes lit up, a smirk spreading across her face. "Gladly." Isabella turned back to face the mirror. Niklaus fingers brushed her now loose hair aside. "You look quite ravishing in this dress."

"Oh?" She squeaked as he lowered his head, nibbling on her ear lobe.

"Hmm, yes, quite." He growled. He seemed to be having a difficult time with the dress.

"I'm a virgin!" She blurted, blushing immediately.

Niklaus chuckled, "I assumed as much." His amusement quickly turned to anger, the sound of ripping fabric reaching her ears.

"Nicklaus Michaelson, did you just rip my dress?!" She exclaimed, whirling towards him. She wasn't really angry but she knew Rebekah would be, "Your sister is going to be absolutely..."

Her words were cut off as once again, he pressed his lips against hers. All thoughts of Rebekah flew from her mind. She reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt a gust of cold air against her bare skin. She realized then that her dress had fallen away and she was now completely naked.

Niklaus barely hesitated. He lifted her up in the air and somehow managed to get her on the bed without ever breaking their kiss. Only once they were both on the bed did he pull away. He gazed down at her,eyes sweeping over her naked form.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked, pushing loose hair from her face. She nodded without hesitation. She was done resisting. His lips met hers and they melted together for a night of satiated desire.

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