Sneeking out

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       Emil stayed in his room, waiting until he heard just the crickets until he snuck into the kitchen, grabbing a few things in small tubs and putting them in a messenger bag he takes a fairly barge blanket with him as well,
"okay..." The teen whispers to himself quietly until he slips out of the door and sighing. 'I'm on my way btw. ^^"' he texts Leon then makes his way to the park. Leon was already at the park, waiting for the text. He texts back 'ok! Already here :3'
Emil checks the phone as it vibrates softly to check the text. Emil then makes to the park, walking through the entrance and looking around a bit,
"Leon?" He whispers as he walks slowly. Leon stood up so Emil can see him better,
"hey Emil!"  Emil perils up at his name being said and he looks in the direction and smiles cheesily. Casually, he jogs up to him,
"hey." His lips gently curve as he places down the bag, staring up at Leon. Leon greets him with a quick kiss,
"hey babe"
        Emil kisses him back, slightly getting more used to the loving smooches here and there. He then pulls away and opens the bag, bringing out the large blanket. Leon sees the bag,
"what did you bring?"
"... Stuff." Emil smiles up at him from his crouching position, laying out the sheet, "uh, not" he clears his throat, a little blush on his cheeks, "not that kind of stuff just, uh, food..."
Leon laughs a bit,
"I know!"
"It's clear tonight, like yesterday." Emil mourners with a slight smile as he looks up at the sky, moon glimmering. 'Hopefully it won't rain or Anthing...' He thinks and looks at Leon then sitting down on the blanket. Leon also sits down on the blanket, looking up at the sky as well. Emil looks down, sighing from relief of the silence, wind around them and hardly no sound of birds. This made him feel a bit cold but that's why he also wore a coat. Leon closes his eyes and takes in the silence and the breeze,
"it's nice..."
Emil hums in response and nods his head, "I hope it lasts. I want to enjoy this."
Leon lays down on his back and looks up at the stars,
     Emil blinks for a bit before looking over to Leon and crawling over slightly. From above he kisses the other gently but also passionately. Leon kisses him back passionatly back, bringing his hand up to the side of Emil's head. The Icelandic  smiles gently through the touch before mumbling,
"ha, did I ever say you was a good kisser?" He tilts his head slightly, deepening it a bit.
Leon blushes darkly,
"r-really? U-umm thanks" he is extremely flustered. Emil pulls away slightly, chuckling,
"yeh!" He smiles, seeing how flustered the other is. Leon sees Emil backing up a bit, he pulls him down more carefully and kisses him again. Slightly in shock, Emil smiles gently and kisses him back again, just feeling the warmth of the other. He was starting to loose breathe but He didn't care about oxygen for the moment. The teen moved his head slightly, closing his eyes. Leon pulls away for air, panting softly as he smiles up at the Icelandic,
"did I ever tell you how good of a kisser you are?!"
"H-huh?" He pulls away as Leon did the same and blushes, "h-hardly!" Emil pouts a little as he saw Leon smile and so did he, "YOU can kiss better then me..."
Leon chuckles a bit and shakes his head a bit,
The Icelandic humphs then sighs, sitting up from his crawling position, besides Leon, "have you ever had a relationship before this one?" He asks, not really knowing where it came from and he has so many questions he wants to ask because of Emil's curiousity. Leon blushes and looks away,
"n-no... Your the first..." He was embarrassed to admit it, since everyone else in his grade started dateing in the beginning of middle school. Emil giggles gently,
"your not mine... They all ended though, obviously." He furrows his brows slightly in a small smile, remembering some of those relationships.
"Oh... With who?"
"People back in Iceland! But we visited England a lot because of my brother, so I kinda had relationships over there as well." Emil shrugs his shoulders, "Vladimir, Sadik... Matthew, as well but we are all just friends now."
    Leon smiles,
"at least you have experience"
"eXPERIENCE?" Emil laughs sheepishly, "hardly!!" Emil gently lays himself down, looking at the night stars, "how did you come out? Your gay...? Bi? Hmm. Pan even?"
"I-I kinda just did... During dinner I told my family I thought I was bi... They didn't believe me... Until I brought you home"
"Oh." Emil looks to the side of him where Leon was,
"wow, huh..." Emil pauses and sighs, "I came out by accidentally letting my boyfriend in without asking if anyone was home... As Homosexual." The Icelandic then snaps his eyes open, "o-oh I'm sorry if I'm asking to many personal questions or anything."
"It's fine! We're together, we shouldn't have secrets like our sexuality or like that" leon laughs a bit. Emil nods gently then smiles, "m-mmh, okay." He snuggles a bit in Leon's side. Leon holds Emil close and snuggles a bit into Emil too.
"I don't want to end this one though..." Emil mumbles, blushing faintly and eyes half closed.
"Me neither..." Leon said, closeing his eyes again and smiles.
"What did you want to be in this?" Emil pauses, blushing harder then before and turning his head to look at Leon's face, "l-like dominant or s-submissive?"
"I-I don't want to think about that yet..." Leon blushes darkly. He blushes darker then he already was,
"m-mmh.. K-Kay then." Emil chuckles embarrassingly. Leon looks away a bit, not wanting Emil to see his face look like a tomato. Emil stretches his shoulders slightly, sitting up then walking over to that bag he had. Emil pulls out a packet of Oreos then opens it, passing one to Leon as he sits beside him. Leon takes the Oreo and smiles,
"How do you eat yours? Do you actually twist, lick and dunk? Though I don't have any milk on me." Emil scratches the back of his neck.
"Haha no, I do twist, but then I peel the frosting out and eat the cookies first!"
"Huh, I just eat them! I like to savour the taste together." Emil starts to munch on the cookie, smiling. Leon eats his as well, but in his way. Emil finishes it the biscuit off, placing the partly opened packet in between them incase they both wanted more or something. He takes one more and watches as Leon did his in his own way, looking at the cookie then copying his moves. Leon look over at Emil and smiles,
"your adorable"
Emil looks over to him, blushing darkly,
"no I'm not!" He looks down at the ground, mid munch.
"You are! Stop trying to say your not!" Leon said laughing. Emil's phone started to go off. Emil chuckles until he heard the familiar ring of his phone, he took it out from his coat pocket, looking at the ID then answers it,
"hello?" He looks over to Leon, smiling back.
"Emil where are you?!?!" It was Lukas' voice, sounding worried.
"Huh? O-oh uh..." He pauses for a bit making a worried expression over to his lover then back to the phone,
"H-how did you f-find out?"
"Well your obviously not in your room!!"
"I was doing what every good brother does and was checking on my little brother!!"
       Emil groans through the silence of the wind,
"no where I don't want you to know!! Besides, I'm old enough to take care of myself!"
"But what if something happens to you and I don't know where you are?!??"
"Don't worry!! Nothing will happen to me because Leo-" he pauses, shutting himself up, "n-nothing will happen okay!! It's not like I'm going to get kidnapped or be drugged!! I'm fine~"
"Wait... ARE YOU WITH THAT SHADY ASIAN KID!!?!?? I knew he was a bad influence on you..."
"AH, HES NOT A BAD INFLUENCE!! And your not my mom, Lukas!" He grumbles, turning off the phone quite angrily and putting its settings on silence mode, slipping it back in his pocket with an angry pout.
"Your brother..." Leon said softly, chuckling a bit, "just like my older brother, Yao.... I didn't tell you but my phone has been buzzing nonstop from his texts sense I got here!" Emil chuckles, furrowing his brows a little on how this was going to go with Lukas and all. He sighs.

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