Ill teach you

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"sorry teacher, I was helping a new recruit" Leon said as he showed people to there tables and gave them menus.

"Ah~!! Who are they?" Yao at the stove was in the middle of cooking up a stir fry, "and what will they be doing?,are you going to talk to them about it later?" He spoke whilst cutting up vegetables and adding them to the noodles.

"his name is Emil! He's just visiting for a vacation from Iceland I think, his accent seemed Icelandic" he sat every one and started talking there orders,
"latter I'm going to teach him some Chinese"

"ah is that so?" The man hummed to himself as he plated some of the food up, "he would help out for the shop, you know? not trying to make it sound like one of Kiku's maid cafe, He seems like he could bring some customers in, aru!" Yao sighed in relief and gave the food to a waiter. Leon took the food and turns away quickly so he doesn't see his slight blush, he nods,
"haha ya! ...but.... His wardrobe isn't the best..." He chuckles a bit and brings people there food.

((Time skip by Yao's panda!))

after a few hours, leon finishes his shift and cleans up a bit, getting his belongings and heading for the door,

"Teacher! I'll be home around dinner time!" He walks out and heads for the hotel. He thinks this is the right one, so he walks in and looks around, starting to head up to the room Emil said. He found room 420 and nocked, really hopping that Emil awners and not anyone else. Several heads turned up to the door and Mathias, reading the newspaper got up and was about to open the door when Emil ran out of his room,
"oh, um, I'll get it!!" He said and pushed pass the Dane,
It's the manager of my new job!" The boy laughed nervously then proceeded to open the door, meeting Leon in first of it. Leon sees the door open and steps back, smileing when he sees that it's Emil,
"ni hao!!!"
Emil smiles and opens the door full-way,
"Hi! Come in, come in." He steps back and urges for Leon to enter the room.

"Hej there!!" Mathias grinned from the couch and looked over to Him and Leon. Leon smiles and waves,

"ni hao!" He walked in and stays near Emil, he looks at the Icelandic boy,
"I brought you journals you can learn!"

"Oh thanks!" Emil smiles then starts to walk to his room but before he got to the door he turns around and does a hand signal for Leon to come.Leon fallows him, pulling out the jernals from his bag.

"sorry if my room is bland, you see we just came to China in the morning of today." He smiled and furrowed his eyebrows a little from embarrassment.

"It's fine!" Leon looks around a bit "you just came in today? Why did you decide to get a job?"
Emil sits on his bed and pondered for a while,

"um.. Well really I have nothing really to wear... I could get some cash, you know?" Emil lies down and then gets back up,
"okay! Let's start learning before my," he shivers "Older... Brother comes in!"

"oh! You have an older brother?!" Leon asked, setting up the empty journals, Chinese dictionary's and writing tools together.

"hm? O-Oh," he looked at him, "yeh! Though he's kinda annoying to me." He laughs,
"why do ya ask?"

"I have brothers too! ...and sisters..." Leon said, chuckling a bit and handing Emil the supplies.

"heh, so you can relate I guess" Emil smiles faintly and takes the supplies,

"Yep!" Leon nods, opening up the dictionary.

       Emil taked the lesson well but struggled at times so he needed only little help from Leon. He nodded and did a mental cheer every time he did pronounce a word correct. He looks over to the clock. Leon smiles each time Emil gets a word right, losing track of time.

"It's, uh, getting late, Leon..." Emil tapped the asian's shoulder then pointed over to the clock hung on his wall. Leon looked over at the clock and sighs,

"ok... I'll leave this stuff here so you can study it... And remember your first shift tomorrow at work!" He smiles and stands up. Emil nods quickly,

"mm, yeh! Thanks Leon." and walks The other male to the door,

"I'll see you tommorow then!" He wipes a hair strand out of his face again and it seems the others are probably asleep.
Leon smiles, wavering good bye before leaving,

"bye Emil! See you tomorrow!" Leon blushes softly and smiles.

"bye!" He smiles back and closes the door gently before turning and sighing,
"first shift starts tommorow!" Emil pulls a face of confidence and heads to his room to study a bit before heading to bed.

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