Remember me

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      Emil and the rest got out from the cab, Tino insisted on paying although Mathias protested greatly. Leon sees Emil when they pull up, he gets out as fast as he can, the car didn't even stop yet before he got out and ran to Emil.
"W-wait Leon, aru! AIYAH, CRAP." Yao stops the car as Leon fumbled to get out, he sighs, looking out of the window as he watches silently with a smile. Emil stood with a monotone face, looking up at the already departing planes before he heard the loud footsteps towards his way. He turns and his face immediately brightens,
Leon practicly jumps onto Emil, hugging him tightly. Emil steps back a bit, holding onto the other male with a late smile,
"ha ha! Hnghhh~" he nuzzles playfully into Leon until he looks up at him, cupping both his face and grins brightly. Mathias turns his head slightly, watching them with a somewhat sad smile. Leon smiles joyfully and closes his eyes, kissing Emil playfully. Emil kisses back, enjoying their reunion. They just spoke to eachother an hour ago on the phone line seeing eachother in real life was totally different. He tilts his head, embracing deeper before pulling away and then gently smiling, loosing a little then giving a big bear hug. Leon laughs a bit, his cheeks pink with a light blush. He holds Emil up and hugs him tightly. Emil blushes back as they both just hugged when he pulled away. The  Icelandic looks at him then tilting his head,
"you said something about a Secret?"
"Oh ya!" He runs back to the car and grabs the box and the rose, running back over to Emil with a dorky smile plastered on his face. Emil peered at them, blushing darkly when he saw the 'presents'
"a Rose? a-and.. Uh." He takes the box and flower. Leon chuckles a bit, undoing the ribbon and opening it to show the sweets inside,
"mei helped me make them this morning"
"Liquorice?" Emil gasps lightly, taking one out and looking at it with a darker blush before taking a bite,
"heart shaped? Really~? N'awe! Leon, you didn't have to..."
"Well... Ya I did!!" He blushes, looking back down at the box. Emil chuckles gently,
"it's lovely," he blushes and taking one, placing one in Leon's mouth to try for himself,
"they taste rich like Icelandic liquorice as well." He smiles, remembering about his actual home then looked up at Leon. He tucks a loose hair behind his ear and smiles, "Thankyou."
Leon smiles "I'm glad you like them" he blushes darker, "I would do anything for you"
"Me too," Emil smiles, blushing.

"Emil, come on~ we'll miss the plane." Tino said from behind. Leon's smiles fades, looking back at Yao then at Emil,
"t-take me with you?"
"I can't... You know that." Emil tries to keep his gentle smile on his face until he softly starts to stroke Leon's left cheek, "don't worry, okay? You said 'it won't end' so you and me are going to keep that promise, yeh?"
"ya... Of course!" A sad smile formed in Leons face. Emil nods slightly then touches Leon's forehead gently with his own,
"I got to go now, Leon."
"ok, I love you... Text me when you land, ok?"
"Love you too... ég elska þig, Leon." Emil's smiles sadly before landing and letting go of their embrace, holding the Rose and box full of delectable sweetness, "See you soon..." He waves weakly then catches up with the rest of his family, shoulders sulking a bit and doing his best not to look back.
"Bye..." Leon said, watching Emil go. He walks back to the car and gets in, staying quiet.

Emil's sighs, plucking out each hurtful thorn that was on the stem, "yer okay, kiddo?" Mathias says over to Emil as the other just merely nods. Lukas looks over at Emil, sad for him, but keeps walking to the gate for the plane. They make it to the plane and Emil gets onto it, placing his self down in a window seat as always. Luckily, they let him take the presents on with him as he hid them surprisingly well. Emil took out the things he got as Mathias sat next to him. He smiles gently at the flower before snapping the stem a bit and placing it in his hair, embarrassingly however grateful.

Thank you so much for reading this story! I don't know if I should make a sequel to this, please tell me if you want to read more! 🇮🇸🇭🇰 i would like to thank AnyShipIsAGoodShip for contributing greatly to this story, without her, there wouldn't be one

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