The first day

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Leon nods, looking at emils outfit, thinking. He looks back up and smiles, "you'll need a uniform!"

"Uniform? What do I wear?" He shuffles to face Leon and Yao walks over to the changing room to get dressed in his Chef outfit.

"ummm... I don't know? The same as me? One sec" he walked back to Yao to ask him "what should Emil wear?

Yao thought for a moment or two whilst he fitted the chef hat onto his head,
"Um... Something like you I guess." He points over to a locker,
"some of the outfits are in there but I don't know what fits him."

Leon nods, calling Emil over to the dressing room. Emil obediently walks in and walks over to Leon.
Leon hands him a uniform that looks like it will fit him.
"Here, try this on"

"Um, okay..." He takes the uniform to a bench awkwardly and starts to strip himself but at the same time, putting the clothing on. Leon turns away, not trying to see Emil change, putting his own uniform on. Emil finishes and brushes off the uniform,
"is this okay?" He mumbles to himself not really knowing how loud he said that but he looked down at the clothing then up to see Leon getting changed, himself. Emil sits himself back down on the bench, advertising his eyes as Yao leaves the room to welcome the other members of the staff and opening the cafe. As he finishes changing, Leon looks over his shoulder a bit,

"you done?" He said not really looking.
Emil nodded and replied with a hum, he got up from his sitting position with a faint blush on his cheeks and ears. He turns around so he can see Emil, blushing a bit as well.
"We're going to open in about 10 minutes"

"Okay then." He looks over at the door to see a few other people enter to get ready for their shifts.

"I'll just.. Wait around for a bit I guess." The blush hadn't gone away yet either.

"Hey, are you ok? Your face is a bit red... Are you nervous?" Leon asked, walking closer a bit so they aren't having a conversation across the room.

"huh?" He looked over at the brunette,

"n-no... I'm fine" a faint smile flashes across his face,
"just a little... Uh... Fluster-" he paused then quickly corrected himself,
"I-I mean," he sighs again, He wonders why he's so idiotic at times really! It wasn't like he developed anything for Leon or anything so why was he stuttering?

"What? Sorry I couldn't hear you..." Leon looks confused.
"Leon!!! We need you really quick, da ze!!!" A voice came from the other room, Leon nods to Emil "I need to go really quick" he leaves to the other room.
"oh, uh... Okay," the Icelandic male waves off Leon and looks around his surroundings then back at his uniform, it seemed comfortable and it fit Emil nicely but if he looked in a mirror it looked to tight or loose in some places however he didn't mind.

        Leon does what his brother asked him to do and came back to Emil. He saw him looking in the mirror,
"don't worry, it looks great on you!" He smiles and blushes.

"Really?" Emil jolts up by the sudden conversation by Leon,
"Well... u-um if you say so." He blushes a little,
"anyway, what did they need you for?"

"Setting up the menus, that's it..." Leon said shrugging, blushing a bit too. Why did he say that, it's not like he's one to always speak his mind.

"Ah... Okay." The awkward tension grew throughout Emil until he spoke up after a while,
"uh well I'm going to start now so yeh.." He brushed his uniform off and started to walk past Leon, taking Posters/fliers and a flannel from Yao. Leon gets ready as well, glancing over to the blonde for less then a millasecond, blushing furiously and turning away. He doesn't want it to be acward between them. Emil didn't quite know why he felt so... Awkward around he guy! They were just co workers... Or, he hoped so at the least... Anyway, He wiped it away from his mind and let out a big breathe before standing at the counter and, like a natural worker, worker did great! It would've seemed he probably of worked there for a while. He greeted each customer and gave wave, even starting up friendly, short conversation. Leon kept bringing people to there tables and waiting them, bringing them there food. Sometimes he looks over at Emil and smiling. Yao stood in the kitchen, sometimes even glancing at Emil to see how he's doing and to see if he's bringing in income or not, basically. The Icelandic male was internally panicking invade he did something wrong of some sought but remained calmed most of the time-only stuttering when a customer came up to him, flirting and/or when a fellow customer needed help, but that didn't happen lots during the shift. Emil kinda just awkwardly stood by the counter most of the time in the large Chinese cafe it was, it felt strangely uncomfortable for him. He looked over to Leon, watching him do his job as normal and occasionally tugged on his sleeve or bit his lip, still somewhat nervous.

"Could you pass me the salt, aru?" Yao said over to the South Korean as he passed the dish over to the counter for the waiting customers. Im yung passes Yao the salt,

"of course, da ze!!".

Leon walks over to Emil to check on him,

"doin' ok?!" He asked, putting a hand on the Icelandic boys shoulder.
Emil jolted up a little at the physical gesture and turned around at the Cantonese,

"h-huh? Oh yeah... Yeah i-I'm fine!" He smiles, relieving some pressure from him, "do you know what time it is?" He lifted a brow and tucked hair behind his ear again-damnit, he should really get a haircut soon.
Leon nods and checks his phone,

"12:33, almost time for lunch break"

"Ah~ okay." Emil does a closed-eyed smile and turns to look at all the customers enjoying their food, most of them in couples or small groups. Yao thanks Im Yung Soo for the salt,

"Leon, aru, serve this dish up will you?"the Chinese handed over a few dishes. Leon nods and rushes over to get the dishes out to the customers. Emil yawns as he watches Leon, really, he couldn't do anything better in the situation of his job. He smiles over to people looking in his way and uses his hand to come back his hair in the Chinese heat.

"Hey, Leon." Emil says over to the other working male,
"how are you so accustomed to this kinda of heat?" He lets out a puff air.

"What do you mean?! I'm kinda cold!" Leon said surprised. Emil's eyes widen slightly then he chuckles,

"heh, looks like I'm way too used to Iceland weather!" He scratches his neck.

"that wouldn't be so weird, you'll get use to it!"

      Emil smiles back slightly, sought of just admiring Leon's features when he smiled-it was nice. Well... HIM overall was just nice in Emil's point of view. Leon blushes and his eyes widen when he notices Emil looking at him. Running his fingers threw his hair in embarrassment, looking away.
Emil, snapping back in reality and blushes as well but just not looking away because he couldn't he just a tops there like a tomato whilst staring at someone he just met yesterday.

"h-hay... Ummm... Maybe we can.... Go out somewhere together... Later?" Leon looks down, his face also red.

"L-later? U-um.." He paused and trails of his sentence before replying properly,
I d-dunno... I would have to ask my brother... B-but it would be nice to, uh, go out sometime." Emil smiles nervously still blushing akwardly but it was hard to hear eachother because of how noisy the cafe was and because there were people around that made it uncomfortable for he Icelandic. Yao ease drops on them from behind the kitchen door. Leon smiles

"really? I thought you were going to say no!" He has a joyful smile and a blush, He quickly pulls the other into a hug, a quick one.

"why would you think I would say no?..." He blushes darker only slightly when Leon pulls him in for a hug, noting few customers watching.

"I-I don't know, I just thought of the worst situation I guess" he pulls away and sees the customers watching, he blushes darkly. Emil nervously laughs at the situation and turns to the customers, "don't mind us, really! Just some... Really close friends!!" He bit his lip and waves his hands over to them. He sighs and looks back over to Leon, smiling-Emil wasn't really one for smiling but today just seemed like a exception. Leon saw Emil smile, and smiled himself,

"your smile...." He chuckles a bit, sort of mesmerized by his smile. Emil opens his eyes and replies with a faint tint on his ears,

"what about... My smile?" He adverts his eyes slightly.

"It's.... Cute, and beautiful.... Why don't you ever smile like that?" Leon asks softly.
Emil is taken aback slightly and blushes a dark crimson red,

"O-oh well... I used to smile a lot as a child but... I just prefer not to and it's hard!" He angrily pouts physically from his thoughts then sighs,

"sorry... I-I just-" he was cut off as Yao interrupted his statement,
"Lunch break, aru." He nods over as some other people come in to work for their part time shifts.Leon nods to Yao,

"xie xie teacher!" Leon looks back to Emil

"lunch time!"

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