Chapter 18

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Rain hitting on the window woke Lauren up, it was still dark outside and the Sun still didn't come out. Lauren took a quick glance at the digital alarm clock near her head and read it's only 7:18.

She decided to get up, there was no point in going back to sleep because soon everyone else would be up. Lauren appreciated being alone so this was actually perfect, well it would be if she didn't have an awful headache.

"Thanks Jack." Lauren mumbled before getting up

Just then she noticed Holland's body on the other side of the bed, and just then she realized why she's so cold, she's only in her boxers, Holland appeared as though she doesn't have any clothes on her upper half of body either. Lauren shook her head and tossed one of the Santiago's sweatshirts on her bare chest before opening the door, being careful not to wake the ginger girl up.

She made herself a cup of black coffee and walked out on the porch.

It was a tad chilly outside and she was glad she had her blanket with her.

A copy of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was now placed on top of her crossed legs, a cup with Mickey Mouse's face on it, full of black coffee was on the table near and a cigarette was between her lips.

The peaceful sound of the rain and the lines in her book made Lauren forget about reality. She was in her own world, her little bubble.

She wished to stay in it forever.

After turning around in bed for the whole night Camila finally decided to wake up. Harry, who ended up sharing a bed with her was dead asleep, not even moving an inch when Camila dropped her phone on the floor.

The Sun was just coming out although it was still raining. Not pouring like a few hours ago, but enough for Camila not to go out without an umbrella.

In the living room, Santiago was lazily switching channels on TV, trying to find anything remotely entertaining. Camila took a seat next to him and he pulled the younger one in a tight hug, kissing the top of her head.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I barely got any sleep."

"Because of Lauren?"

"No, because Harry was there and he was snoring. And because of Lauren."

"What happened last night Mila?"

"Daniel happened. Feelings happened. Alcohol happened.I fucking happened. I fucked up."

"Can you make it one more day? In less than 24 hours we're back in Miami and it'd be a shame to ruin this trip, you know? Yesterday was all kind of messed up for all of us."

"I'm sorry about that." Camila felt guilty, because well, she kind of is

"It's fine, do you mind waking Holland up? She will kick my ass if I do it, and you're her best friend."

Without thinking Camila nodded and made her way towards the other room, totally forgetting Lauren was supposed to be in there. The door opened and Holland's body was sprawled around like a starfish. Her bare chest pressed against the bed, chills all over her spine.

In that moment Camila realized Lauren was supposed to be in this room too, and although her stuff were there, she wasn't.

Not being able to deal with the fact that Holland and Lauren spent the night together Camila decided not to make any step closer.



"Holland!" Camila tried once again

Again, silence.

"Holland, I swear I will pour cold water all over your body if you're not up in 5 seconds. One, two-"

"Fuck off, I'm up."

Camila nodded although Holland couldn't see her and left the room."

"So Holren did it last night huh?" Santiago asked Jake and Harry who were now sitting next to him, around the kitchen table

"Man, I wish I could've seen that going on."

"Ew Jake, Gross." Harry replied

"You're only saying that cause Lauren is your cousin, but those two are sex bombs and you know it."

"Whatever." Harry shrugged

"So they did it?" Santiago questioned once again

"Did you not hear them moaning?" Jake replied

Camila was thankful she had her earphones on the highest last night. She was thankful no one can see her now because her eyes were red once again and she was trying her best not to cry.

She decided on skipping breakfast and going to her room, to pack her things and get ready.

The guys just finished their talk about Holland and Lauren when the said Latina walked back in the house.

"Nice shirt." Santiago pointed out

"Thanks. I took it from your bag."

"Mind giving it back to me?"

"I'm kind of naked under it, so can you wait a few minutes before I change into my clothes?"

Santiago nodded and Lauren left the boys all alone.

"S E X." Jake spelled it out

"Fuck man." Santiago replied

Holland was just leaving the room when Lauren walked back in.

"Where are you going?"

"Get changed, my stuff are in Mila's room."

"Right, I forgot."

Lauren wanted to ask Holland if something happened last night, because she honestly couldn't remember. The whole night was a blur for her, with gaps in it. She remembers making out with Camila, fuck, she remembers Camila pushing her away and herself getting mad at her, she remembers making out with Holland and pulling her in the room, and then, she doesn't remember anything from there.

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