"Because Im awesome and you guys aren't" so Danny did what he always does. He started a food fight!

By now Danny was spraying Carmel on Alex, and Alex was spraying chocolate syrup on Danny. They both looked like a total mess. Kind of like 5 year olds drenched in mud.

Danny was starting to run out of the Carmel syrup so he tackled Alex now they were wrestling. And you have not lived until you see two full grown men, that stand about 6'ft tall covered in chocolate and Carmel syrup, calling each other stupid.

I watch as I popped another fry into my mouth cheering both of them on. I should be helping them break it up but cmon this better than a movie!

"Cmon Danny! Head lock! Head lock! head lock!" I chant trying to see if he listens and of course he does haha.

Alex some how flips them and now he's on top of Danny!

"Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!"


We all freeze because we hear a car door close outside. They're back.

" RUN!" I scream but it's too late.

" Evangeline, Alexander, Daniel."

We freeze hearing the tone of our father as he calls out our names. Oops.

Clearing my throat I decided not be a coward. So I straighten up and turn around to a frowning dad. And a bored Nate. Wow the meeting was that bad.

"Mhmm father."

"What on earth is going on? And why are you two covered in chocolate And Carmel?" He says looking over the twins.

I looked over at my brothers but they were looking at the ground ashamed that they were caught being childish again. My heart breaks seeing them like that.

"It's my fault." I said looking at my dad.

"Eve" the twins say in a warning tone.

"Quiet." I say back at them.

Everyone looks surprised, even Nate. I can take the blame for them I don't care. It's not like he's going to do anything about it anyways.

"Is that so?" My father says crossing his arms.

"It is. I wanted to go for a run but the boys wouldn't let me saying it was too dangerous. So I sprayed them with chocolate and Carmel syrup thus resulting into this.."

I say gesturing towards my brothers. I see them looking at me disapprovingly because they know I shouldn't lie to my dad, or take the blame for them. But hey? What's family for right.

"I see. Well since you insist this is your wrongful doing and you choose to lie to me, you may now clean all of this by yourself." My dad says to me.

Damn how does he do that? It's like I can't tell a lie to save my life! I bow my head telling him I accept my punishment.

"And you two. Go upstairs and clean up. You are men not children you will start acting your age now!" He screamed. I watched as the boys ran upstairs to take a shower.

I flinched because now, he's really not kidding. It's not liked he cared before when he would come visit. He would just sigh and leave. What changed? Was it the meeting? I should ask Nate.

"Nathaniel I'll be back in 3 days time. I need to figure this situation." My father says to Nate.

"No. I want answers. What the hell happened backed there?"

"Now is not the time. I will be gone to contemplate whether or not if the time has come. Until then goodbye."

He picked up his suitcase and walked out the door leaving an angry Nate and a confused me behind.

Nate ran a hand through his hair, picked up a vase and threw it against the wall.

I jumped back scared because I've seen Nate mad, but this was kind of scary. He's never been this angry to the point where he became violent. He runs both hands through his hair and starts pulling at the ends. I need to to calm him down, I'm the only one who can.

I walk over to my brother and reach as high as I can to touch his shoulder. I'm still not all that tall but i manage.

"Nate." I whisper and he turns to look at me. He must've seen how scared I was because he sagged his shoulders, and sighed.

"I'm tired of the secrets Eva. I want to know what's happening." He says. Sitting down on the stair case. I sit one step above him so we can be eye leveled.

"Me too Nate but we can't loose ourselves now. All we can do is hope he tells us." I offer a small smile which he returns.

"Cmon, it's getting late. We should go to bed."

"I cant. The mess is still everywhere" I say running a hand through my hair.

"Don't worry about it. I'll have someone clean it up tomorrow."

Nodding my head in agreement he stands up and offers me a hand which I gladly take and we walk up the stairs together. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

And how wrong I was.

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