Part 28- Headache

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Kazuma's POV
I woke with a light headache, not knowing why. I got out of bed and put on my glasses, then got changed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Yukine was already at the table and I took a place next to him, smiling when he saw me. Veena looked to be still half asleep, she probably hadn't slept last night.

As soon as breakfast was over, I made my way back to my room, but headed to Doctor Miyaha, our new doctor, to tell him to get a medithal bath ready for Veena. As soon as that was done; I knocked on Veena's door and came in. I saw her asleep in bed, shivering slightly. I knelt down beside her and gently moved a piece of hair from her forehead; I decided not to wake her as she needed the rest. I then made my way back to my room and lay down on my bed for a bit, to try and get rid of my headache. A while later and it still hadn't gone away, but had actually become worse. It felt as if it was spreading through my head, getting bigger and bigger each time. I sighed and went back to Veena to check on her, and when I went back in, she was already up.
"Ah, Veena, I have told Miyaha to make you one of your baths, its just you looked quite tired this morning and I wanted to make sure you were okay." I told her, and she just smiled.
"Sorry for worrying you, I am well. But you actually look quite pale Kazuma; are you okay?" I nodded my head, flinching slightly from the sudden pain, and managed a smile as I didn't want her to worry.
"Oh also Kazuma; have you seen Yato anywhere? He seems to have been lingering in the shadows these days and I cannot find him anywhere."
"There has been nothing on Yato yet, sorry. I can go and check now for you if you want?" I started to head out but was stopped.
"Ah okay, don't worry. But Kazuma, go and get some rest okay?" She smiled and I nodded my head again, then made my way to my room for some much needed sleep.

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