Part 6- Midnight Fun

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Sorry for such a late update! However, I have the next few chapters planned so hopefully they will be ready very soon to make up for the long wait. Hope you enjoy!

Yato's POV

I awoke to the sound of laughter. I felt the bouncy bamboo mat under my body and opened my eyes. I saw Hiyori, Kofuku, Yukine and Daikoku all at the table, chatting and laughing at Kofuku's terrible jokes. I sat up and looked around, then I stood up and slid open the door. The four looked up at me.
"Yato? What are you doing?" Yukine wondered.
"I'm going for a walk; I need some fresh air..." I mumbled then walked out, not waiting for anyone to reply. Little did I know that Yukine had seen me with Nora and was very uncomfortable about it. It was now night time and I breathed in the chill air. My lungs burned and I sighed. I walked down the road to a street lamp and sat down on a bench.
A single drop sounded.
And there was Nora.
Sitting next to me, dangling her legs down the side.
"Hiiro...I said leave me alone... stop now..." I sighed.
"Nice of you to visit me Yato." She smiled. Then it turned into anger.
"Yato... you remember what I said...don't you?" Her dark eyes glistened in the moonlight.
She whispered into my ear and my fists clenched; I didn't agree to this but I had no choice. Hiiro had so much more power over me this time as she and Father had created a threat, big enough for me to do their bidding.
"Still no?" She asked, shocked.
"Hiiro, no..." I pleaded but she wouldn't listen. She opened her palm then slowly closed it shut. I winced in pain and breathed heavily. She giggled and put something in her pocket. She was stronger now.
"Please...Nora...stop this..." I begged her and held my head in both hands.
"You know what you have to do Yato, or should I call you Yaboku..." Then she dissappeared. I could just hear her voice in the distance.
"You do it, and I'll help you...promise..."

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