"How was the...gathering, anyway?" I ask lightly. I don't want to hear about it, I'd rather just put it behind us, but I don't want to be insensitive. If he enjoyed himself, then that's nice. That's good. And I should be supportive, right?

"Eh, was thinking about you most of the night," he mutters, with a smile.

I laugh and throw my arms around his shoulder. Oh, he's good. "Good boy."

"Oh yeah? Can I have a treat?"

Zayn's POV

"Come back here, crazy," I say to Li as she steps a couple of feet in front of me.

I've been a little out of it since the thing for Genevieve's birthday last night. It's been weighing heavily on my mind, and I know that Charlie notices. I don't plan on telling her-about any of the evening- that's for sure, which is why I evaded her question this morning.

Some things she just...doesn't have to know.

And last night. Last fucking night. I don't know what the hell happened. Well, I mean, besides the obvious (I was horny as fuck.) But she liked it, so we're good.

"Daddy, no!" Li giggles, before trying to run further, or so she thinks. I take one last puff of my smoke before putting it out, sneaking up behind her and scooping her up from behind. She's a squealing, giggling mess as I twirl her around, nearly nailing some lady in the side of the head with her leopard print slip on Vans. I think she mutters something about me being an idiot under her breath, but I just let it go.

"Where are you going?" I ask her as she's still squealing, resting against my chest. I can barely see her face hiding under the hood of her raincoat. She grabs my face between her little hands before trying to pull at my earrings. "Huh, missy? Where are you going?" I try my best baby voice; it's shit really, but she loves it, so.

"Marmm," she says, attempting to say Marley, I think. I feel like every fucking day she's saying a new word. Soon her and Marley will be blabbering back and forth (as if they don't already). Only then will it start to make sense, instead of Liyana being like 'baby, cookie' or some other random shit.

But I've gotta say, Mar listens to her regardless of what she goes on about. And dare I say it, he responds, and is usually spot on with what she wants or needs. Maybe it's a small person thing.

"That's right. We're going to book some shit for Mar's birthday. Damn, you're so smart. You get that from me."

"No. Me. Daddy."

"You can't take all the credit! I'm half responsible for you. Me!"

"Me!" She yells. "Daddy!"

"Fine, fine. You win. Stand down." She smiles in victory before resting her head against my shoulder. I'm fucked. Like, royally fucked. She's gonna be such a diva.

So yeah, we're killing some time in the city today. As I was getting Mar ready for school, I realized that his birthday is in like, four weeks. And that'll be here faster than I know it. Literally, I'll blink and it'll be June 23rd. And my big guy will be three. (A/N: yeaahhh, I made a lil mistake. Mar's only gonna be 3, not 4. He'll just be a little advanced for his age, cause I like him talking a lot lol. I'll try to fix it in the other chapters)

And since it will come around so fast, I should start getting my shit together. By shit, I mean booking things, despite Charlie and I not having come up with a solid plan. But we know he wants race cars, and so I'll work from there. And everything's gotta be a surprise, of course.

Hence why Liyana and I find ourselves at a place that specializes in race car parties. "Hello," the girl greets us with a broad smile as we enter. Liyana immediately plugs a finger in her mouth. Oh, so now Chatty Kathy wants to be shy?

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